Escape From The Hospital (12)

"Is that the person behind the voice you've been hearing?"

Alicia nodded meekly.

Lucien glanced at Aiden, whose eyes had been dangerously narrowed on the golden ring with a red gem. 

"He gave that to you?"

Aiden crouched down. "Let me touch." His pale long index finger scraped the surface of the gem. And within a few seconds, a faint sharp red light glared.

Lucien immediately push Aiden to the ground. A ray of laser beam shot out and pierced a narrow long hole that went through the wall of the hospital.


Faint smoke slithers out of the hole.

Lucien was stunned. Aiden coldly humphed. When he noticed he was lying on the floor with his wife on top of him, his mood immediately changed. 

He slips his hand around Lucien and wraps his other arm around Lucien's nape, pulling his head down to lean on his chest.