
He was breathing hard.

In his right hand was a silver coin that has the face of a joker card. Both sides have the same faces but different expression.

The front side has a smiling amicable face, with a star shaped and diamond shaped tattoos on both cheeks.

But on the other side, the joker face was not smiling. It has a dangerous malicious expression that can make a person creeped out.

Lucien doesn't have anything on him except this coin.

A sudden intense pain suddenly stabbed him at his head, making him groan. Severe static buzzing noise constantly rung in his ears, making him dizzy.

Lucien was not aware that... at this time, the system is trying to infiltrate his brain. The system that had long since been absent is trying to connect his soul to the main stream system for the Plotter.

The Plotter, who was waiting for the news coming from the system frown slightly when a screen box suddenly appeared in front of him.