Unlucky (4)

"Like, hand, hand literally my hand?"

"I will use this very hand of mine to dig out its eyeball?" 

The Wild King could not understand why this particular master was not worried about the time. 

Less than five minutes left before the invincibility will disappear. The Wild King takes it upon himself to show everything into action and not speak a word. 

With a snap, the blade tattoo on Lucien's left wrist came to life. Lucien stared, surprised at the small blade in his hand. 

[Master, please use that. There's not much time.]

A familiar hummed came out from the blade. Lucien can't explain it why, when he hadn't held a blade before, but it felt that he had always used this blade. Feeling so right in his hand, there's no awkwardness nor uncomfortable feeling. Just perfect.

[Master, four minutes left.] The Wild King patiently reminded.