Training yet again

Author's note:

This chapter is gonna be a training montage/bonding chapter. After this chapter the mc and her 'family' will leave Kiri...probably?

TA TA...


Hana's POV:

(Random fun fact, when I writing the above, auto correct changed Hana's to Obama's POV. So yeah that's good to know)

I wake up in the cave/base for the time being, I look out and see the sun is beginning to rise. I quietly get up and putting on a comfy slipper that I totally didn't steal...again... I walk out.

I did some stretching and walked over to the spring nearby and drink some water. After that I took a bath, after the bath I dry myself with some towels already know how I got it...

Walking back to the cave/base I see that Kimimaro is already awake. I walk up to him and greet him with a smile

"Hey Kimimaro! you already awake. I was about to get some breakfast, wanna tag along?"

"Oh, ok sis..."

"Yep. Way better than calling me big sister, by the way you still didn't tell me what you were doing the entire week before we arrived here."

"Well I didn't have much to do except train and go hunting for more food before you and Haku came so I did some cleaning here and there and tidied up the cave."

"Oh that's very nice of you! I think you'll make a really good wife! now come on before Haku wakes up which I doubt will happen."

He ignores my joke in a Kimimaro manner and says while embracing himself

"Let me get my jacket first, it's so chilly in the morning. I don't know how you can even take a bath in this environment."

"Its not that cold you know. Plus taking a cold bath in the morning is good for your health."

"I highly doubt that.."

"Ehhh you don't trust me! *sniff* my own brother doesn't trust me...why am I still here...just to suffer.."

"Ok stop it sis. I'm going to go change."

"Wait I also need to change, as you said it's really chilly here I don't want to catch a cold."

He just gives me an eye roll as he walks inside. I quickly follow him and walk in to my room. I made some walls with earth release to separate our rooms to put our stuff and for privacy DUH.

I grab a white shirt with long sleeves and black pants. A grey sleeveless jacket and black high tops. Now you may be wondering how we deal with water getting inside our shoes and all the other's simple...Chakra. That's the answer, instead of just covering the soles of the shoes like sandals for walking on tress or water, we cover the entire shoe with chakra and boom water and dirt proof shoes that will make Nike and Adidas jealous.

I quickly tie my hair in a ponytail with side bangs(if you wanna Google it then search the Korean one not American) and quickly go out to see Kimimaro already there with a calm face.

He's wearing a light purple Tshirt, grey and black jumper jacket with the hood down and front open with grey pants and black running shoes.

(Don't ask me where they got it from in the age of naruto. Clothing in naruto is weird ok, even naruto himself wore a bright orange jacket that should me made with fabric that shouldn't exist in that time damnit)(p.s. and you already know she robbed a sweat shop for these clothes)

It's been a few days after Haku and I got here and met Kimimaro. At first it was a little awkward but after a while we all got along just fine. Haku and Kimimaro also spar a lot in this time and that makes them become closer. Kimimaro also respects Haku for his strength so that's that.

I also got him some new clothes that I store in my storage scrolls. They were all better than the rags he was wearing anyway. And the shoes fit just fine...after a few test spars for Kimimaro reasons.

I walk in front of him and after discussing what will be for breakfast today we settle for some bread and soup.

We quickly run towards a village not far from here and after getting there I put on a lower face mask while Kimimaro also does the same. We run into the village and a few minutes later run out with a bag of freshly baked breads and a pot of hot soup that Kimimaro carries with his bone covered hand to avoid burns.

When we finally reach the cave it has already been an hour and we could see Haku returning after a bath.

"Hey Haku you awake, we just returned with breakfast. I'll reheat them so go get the bowls"

"Oh ok big sis, and next time I also want to go with you two!"

"That's what you get for oversleeping, next time I'm gonna pour cold water on your face to wake you up"

"What do you mean oversleeping! it's not even 6 in the morning! you two just wake really early. You know I'm not a morning person!"

Haku pouts which I find adorable so I pinch him and that makes him pout harder and enter the cave to get the bowls while muttering something.

I then take the pot from Kimimaro and place it over the campfire and begin reheating it. After a while it's already steaming hot again so we eat our breakfast happily with me teasing Haku and Kimimaro observing us calmly with some comments in between.

After breakfast we rest for half an hour before beginning to prepare for training. We will stay here for a month before starting our journey throughout the elemental nations.

So without any further ado let the epic training montage roll again!!!

Week 1

Week one was fun as I taught Kimimaro all the basics as I did with Haku. Haku also helped in the training sometimes but most of the time he's working on new ice release jutsus. After the basics were done I taught him some defensive and offensive jutsus of water and earth nature. After that we trained on Taijutsu and Kenjutsu for Kimimaro, Kusarigamajutsu for me and Tassenjutsu for Haku.

Haku decided it was the best choice for him as it would make his ice freeze faster and more deadly. Well we didn't do much, as the basics are important to have a strong foundation, so we did the basics for a whole week until we mastered them.

Week 2

Week two was spent with more chakra control as there is no real limit to it like the body. The better chakra control the better, I tried making the Rasengan but my chakra control was still lacking but I kept trying. After a few days of struggle I did it, I then taught Haku and Kimimaro too and they both learned it by the end of the week. We also sparred a lot and got better over all.

Week 3

Week three was where progress really began showing. My chakra is now large enough to make two hundred blades and my control was now perfect in a sense but it can always get better. Haku also tried his new jutsu which was that ice mirror jutsu he used while fighting Sasuke. It was still not idle but a start nonetheless.

He also had almost perfect chakra control and showed another jutsu that was based on my Riot, it covered Haku in an armour of ice with a mask covering his mouth, it has great defence with a really good durability. It still lacked offence but he told me he was trying to make a giant battle fan made of ice.

Kimimaro also made the move he used while fighting Rock Lee and Gaara where all his bones poke out. This move is really difficult to deal with as attacking recklessly will just make the bones slice you. I also asked him if he could manipulate his bone anyway he wanted and he told me he could so I gave him an idea that he could make an exoskeleton of super dense bones. We all fought with our transformations to see who would win and I won as I can just claw my way trough. They both sulked for an entire day...

Week 4

Week four was the last week and we did a lot of things such as hunt bandits for money and experience. I also got a book on Fuinjutsu, it was only the basics but it was still a treasure to me. I first worked on my calligraphy skills and the rest was easy with my Perfect Adaptability.

I also started trying to learn Medical Ninjutsu as it will be very useful later down the line. The basics were easy as it was just using Chakra to try and heal a wound or bruises. And Perfect Adaptability making a comeback made it a lot easier as time went on and now I'm able to use the Healing Plam technique.

Haku made some simple but effective wind jutsus by himself. Did I mention how monstrous his talent is! to make a new jutsu from scratch at the age of 5-6 is insane.

Kimimaro also learned some more earth and water jutsus stolen from some minor ninjas that we hunted. They were a lot more experienced than us but as time went on we also got better.

Week 5

The last week or just four days as it wasn't a full week I decided to focus on my side teaching. For the past month I taught them both English as it was way better than learning some sign languages.

I already taught Haku earlier but Kimimaro caught on quickly. The children in this world are way smarter then earth as they were able to speak in about the first week. I then increased the difficult but they were like a sponge, they just sucked it all in. By the end of the third month they were already very fluent in it with no real accent.

So in these four days I made it so we can only speak in English and it worked as they were more proficient in it by the end.

End of Training Montage--

And that's it for the training montage so let me give you our power level compared to others hypothetically...

Me (Hana)

Strength- Mid Chunnin.(With Riot-High Chunnin)

Chakra- Low Jonin

Chakra control- Low Jonin

Shurikenjutsu- High Jonin

Taijutsu- High Chunin

Weapon Mastery- High Chunnin

Overall Strength- Low Jonin

(I didn't mention Ninjutsu because there's

a lot and I too lazy to write them all plus they are not really important for now)


Strength- Low Chunnin

Chakra- Mid Chunnin

Chakra Control- High Chunnin

Shurikenjutsu- Mid Chunnin

Taijutsu- Low Chunnin

Weapon Mastery- Low Chunnin

Overall Strength- Mid Chunnin


Strength- Mid Chunnin

Chakra- Low Chunnin

Chakra Control- Mid Chunnin

Shurikenjutsu- Low Chunnin

Taijutsu- High Chunnin

Weapon Mastery- High Chunnin

Overall Strength- Mid Chunnin

Yes Haku is the weakest of us three but he's still a formidable opponent if your not careful.

Now let's get out of this misty island shall we...