Leaving the Hidden Mist

"Ok Kimimaro, Haku you both ready? we will start our journey from today! isn't it exciting!"

"Yep all ready sis. Kimimaro is just double checking some things. After that we should be ready"

We are finally preparing to leave The Hidden Mist as of today, it was an interesting experience growing up here but I don't really have any attachment to this place.

After waiting for a while Kimimaro walks out of our cave/base for these past few months. He walks up to us as we prepare to depart. We are now strong enough to go explore the world and not die instantly.

We then all gather at the entrance of the cave and say our final farewell to this place. We may return to this place in the future but for now this is goodbye.

After saying goodbye we all start walking towards the border of the land of water that is closest to the land of fire. The two nations are separated by the sea but I'm pretty sure there are ships that we can board.

As we are walking at a leisurely pace. Haku turns towards me and asks

"Ne ne sis, why didn't we just become ninjas of the Hidden Mist? We would undoubtedly become way stronger if we are trained by an experienced ninja."

I just answer the question with a kind smile and say

"Well that's simple isn't, I already told you before when we first met didn't I? I want to roam the elemental nations and not be tied down anywhere. I want to be free and without any responsibility except taking care of my family. Plus right now Kiri is dangerous for many reasons. And I'm pretty sure if we become ninjas of Kiri they would try to brainwash us to become loyal to Kiri and I don't want that."

Haku makes a surprised face by what I said and asks in disbelief

"Brainwashing! isn't that illegal. Why would they do that to children! isn't that morally wrong?"

I always forget that no matter how smart Haku is, he's still a child that's not even six yet. If it was my previous world he would still be watching cartoons and just playing with his parents.

"Well thats just how they ensure that they won't betray the village. The talented individuals get all sorts of resources like jutsus, teachers and many others. I can't really explain it properly but let me give you the best example I can think of:

Imagine it like this, the ninja world and it's countless wars and conflicts between nations is like a big dog fight for the respective leaders of the Hidden villages to show their strength and take more land and resources from the villages that lose said fight.

The children who are learning to become ninjas for their respective villages are like puppies that need to be trained and raised.

The villages or the Kages and elders are the trainers for these puppies. They raise them carefully to make them loyal to them and their village. Now what do they do if there are dogs that are hostile or that don't obey them? they get rid of them or train them differently and make them loyal by different means if said dog is talented or has a bloodline limit that is important. They make them loyal by making someone from said village marry them or give them certain benifits and stuff."

Haku and Kimimaro too look surprised and kind of angry at this information

"I didn't know it was like this at all."

Kimimaro also nods at Haku's words. I just shake my head and say

" Well that's just the basics of it, I mean there are some who don't and others that genuinely care for their people and ninjas but the major nations are all like that. It's all ugly politics and power hungry or control freaks that want more power and resources."

"How do you know all of these sis? I didn't even know the surface of it till now"

I just laugh at this question as I'm not gonna tell them...yet

"Hahaha don't worry about it my little brothers I'll tell you when we get older so don't worry and just enjoy this road trip to the land of fire"

They just pout...wait Kimimaro is pouting...and he looks so cute doing so too! ahhh I want to squeeze them so badly...

My body moves on its own as I slowly get closer to them and raise my hands to hug them but they notice me and slowly back away in fear

"S-s-sis w-what are you doing? and why are you drooling! Maro I think we should run?"

Still not on my senses I get closer to them as I use Riot on instincts, they back away even more as even Kimimaro looked scared

"Yep! run! definitely run! use every defense jutsu you have Maro! run for your lifeeee!!!"

Haku uses his ice armour and Kimimaro uses his Shikotsumyaku to make his bones poke out like a cactus. After that was a game of cat and mouse...with some deadly jutsus here and there but that's not really important is it?

After a few hours of messing around they both get tired and flop down. I take advantage of this and jump on top of them and give them a huge hug. We all laugh and chatter untill we decided to take a bath as we were all sweaty.

I told them to go first while I get something yo eat and also even though I hardly act like one, I am still a girl. So both of them went first while I went hunting for food.

It's been a few months after we met Kimimaro now, at first he was kinda awkward to talk to but as time went on and we all got closer he became more open with his emotions. Now it's not that surprising to find him smiling or laughing from time to time.

As I was looking around for any animal tracks I found a few traces of wild rabbits. I quietly track down the trail and find the burrow, I didn't want to dig it out so I just used and earth style jutsu to raise the area around the burrow...And hunting has never been easier. As the platform raises up three light brown rabbits come rushing out.

I make small chains and catch the running rabbits. Quickly ending their lives with a quick slice to their necks I hang them to the end of a staff I made with my Steel Release with the chains, I quickly went back and started preparing them.

After a few minutes of preparing the rabbits were now all skinned with some seasonings on them. I made a campfire to cook them and also because it was getting dark.

A few more minutes later the campfire was done and Haku and Kimimaro also came back with some fruits and fish that I guess they caught.

"Haku, Maro what took you so long? I was starting to think that something bad happened. And did you two catch those fishes? is that why your late?"

This time it was Kimimaro who spoke in a defeated tone.

"Yes, Haku thought it would be a good use to catch some fish so we spent a few minutes catching them"

"Ok you two look after the meat while I take a bath ok, it won't be long unlike somebody!"

They both say in unison.

""Yes big sis""

I then went and took a bath in the little too cold for my comfort river near the area. After that I dried myself and wore some new clothes and went back.

When I got back to the place I could see the campfire with some fishes being cooked near it while the rabbit meat was on a table made of earth.

"Big sis hurry up I'm starving, if not for Maro telling me to wait for you I would have eaten all of them by now!"

"Hahaha ok ok you little glutton I'm coming"

We then began eating and talking about where we would go after leaving the land of water and what we should do to make money, we talked for a few more hours and after that we cleaned the dishes and went to sleep....