Trying to make a Kekkei Tota

"Big sis, where are we going? it's been a few weeks after we arrived in the land of fire."

"Well...we are going to the land of rice fields. I don't really want to go to Konoha right now so we are heading there in the meantime. I heard they have really good rice cakes and dangos there. I bet you'll enjoy them Haku"

"But i like spicy food better! sweets make me want to puke! but the rice cakes may be good. What about you Maro?"

Kimimaro who was silently by our side thinks for a moment before answering in a calm tone.

"I don't really have preferences but I do like big sis's cooking so I don't know"

"Awww thank you Maro. I'm gonna make the best curry for dinner tonight so look forward to that!"

Haku looks at me weirdly before saying in a questioning tone

"Uh...big sis? I thought we ran out of fresh vegetables and meat?"

I froze up at that realization. I totally forgot about that

"Well I guess we will have to hurry up to get to the nearest village for supplies I guess haha...wait, oh for fucks sake I keep forgetting about this jutsu even though it's the biggest cheat!"

As I finished saying that I make two shadow clones immediately and giving them a storage scroll I quickly tell them to go stea*cough* buy some supplies from the nearest village while we keep heading towards the land of rice fields.

After it was almost dark we reached a good spot with a small stream to set up camp so we stopped there to spend the night. While waiting for the clones to arrive I quickly make a campfire near the tent that Haku and Maro were setting up.

Using a small and quick fire jutsu I lit the campfire and then began taking out cooking supplies from my ever growing pile of storage scrolls that I 'borrowed' from bandits and travelling merchants.

While I waited for the clones, I decided to continue training in nature transformation so I went away from the campsite and quickly made 50 Shadow Clones and told them to continue training in the five basic elements...

Also I found that I had an affinity to lightning and earth. I know this as I can control and manipulate these two better than the other natures. And lightning is perfect for me as I can practically make any metal out there and that includes chakra metal. I know how to make it after I stole a kunai made of chakra metal from a rouge ninja we killed during our travels. Any ways lightning is good because it gives extra sharpness and piercing power to my blades or any weapons I make. While I think the earth has something to do with my Steel Release.

And talking about Kekkei Genkai, I have an idea of having my own Kekkei Tota. I have my Steel Release right now and if I can combine it with Lightning Release then I think I can make a new Kekkei Tota. I'm pretty sure it will be something like Magnet Release so...maybe Electromagnet Release. That would be so cool, but I would have to have at least advance mastery of the Lightning nature for that...nothing a few tens of SHADOW Clones and Perfect Adaptability can't fix. All I need is time.

I then leave my clones on their own as they continue their training. I head to where Haku and Kimimaro are and find them sitting near the campfire and practicing something.

When I got closer I finally know what they were trying to do... I quickly went towards them and sat near them as I watched the two.

Haku then turned to me and said in a whiney tone

"Big sis! why is it so hard to make the Rasengan! I have been practicing it for a few weeks now but I still can't form it!"

Kimimaro also nods from the side, I just laugh and say in a reassuring tone

"Well it's not called the pinnacle of chakra shape manipulation for nothing. And you two have only been practicing it for a few weeks, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to form it in a month or two or even faster if you use the 'SHADOW CLONE' jutsu!"

They both stop what they were doing and look at me with a blank face before they release a collective *sigh*

"We totally forgot about that, I feel so dumb now."

"Me too..."

"Hahaha no need to worry about it just summon a dozen clones and make them do all the chakra related stuff while you two focus on your body and Taijutsu, Kenjutsu or Tassenjutsu."

"But make sure to know your limits, don't over do it. OK?"

""Yes sis""

Then in unison they make the hand signs for the shadow clone jutsu and *poof* There were at least 20 Hakus and Kimimaros. Then they went away from the campsite and started practicing the Rasengan again.

While the clones of Haku and Kimimaro were doing their thing the clones I sent to get supplies finally came back. They passed the storage scroll I gave them and dispelled themselves.

I then start making curry for dinner while Haku was helping me cut the veggies and Kimimaro cleaning the meat. We had a hearty dinner then went to sleep while our clones continued training.

2 weeks later~~

"Almost...almost...almost there...Finally!!"

We are currently in the Land of Rice Fields camping in the wild. And I'm currently very happy with the progress I made in making a new Kekkei Tota.

Haku and Kimimaro turn towards me and then Haku asks in an excited voice

"Did you finally make it big sis? how is it? is it strong?.."

I could tell that Kimimaro was also excited from the look on his face even though he tried to hide it.

"Whoa whoa calm down Haku, it's still far from finished. I just made noticeable progress. Look!"

I then make a needle and place it in my hands, after that I then focus my attention on it and use my Kekkei Genkai and Lightning nature at the same time which creates an electric field around me, I then make my body the medium for the electric field using Chakra. Then with the little control I have over the electric field I make it attract the needle.

The needle dances in the air as it gets attracted from different angles. But I couldn't keep everything in control for long as after a few minutes it returns to normal and falls on the ground.

"Whew... I can only attract small objects for now and the control I have over it is very little, but if I can fully master and finish this then I will be the third person to have a Kekkei Tota in history!"

Haku and Kimimaro look really interested so I explain the theory behind it with the best of my abilities for them to understand.

"By using a cetain ratio of Lightning nature in my Steel Release I accelerate the charged electrons in it and the surroundings so that the electric fields surrounding them produce magnetic fields. I then use chakra to manipulate this magnetic field, it's very complicated to explain so that's the briefed version of it."

(All the above can be very wrong! I just used the 'Random Bullshit no jutsu' for the sake of this fanfic, so don't sue me in the comments pls)

The two look lost from my explanation as they just tilt their heads in confusion. I then decide to teach them more about Physics.

After a while of explaining and teaching later~~

"And that's how magnetic fields and electromagnetic fields work in a sense. But as you saw I still don't have enough control over it to be really useful in combat, BUT in the future when I have mastered this then I could even be as strong as Hashirama or Madara."

Haku then asks some questions which I answer to the best of my abilities

"Really? Aren't they like super strong? I mean Suna has Magnet Release but they did become as strong as them. How is your version of it different big sis"

Kimimaro shakes his head too waiting for my answer. I just laugh then say in a proud tone

"Well they don't use it properly, they just use it to control some iron sand or gold dust. Having control over a magnetic field is a really fearsome ability if they know how to use it properly as everything has magnetic fields. Unfortunately or fortunately they use it very primitively."

I then pause for a little bit before continuing

"And for how my version of it is different, well it's a lot more versatile and has more options. I can not only control electromagnetic field but also electromagnetic waves which includes radiation and other things that you won't understand for now. BUT most importantly...Imagine how badass I would look with thousands of blades that have either lightning or wind nature running through them surrounding me which I can control however I want. Even a thousand ninjas won't stand a chance against me!"




"What it would look badass you know, and that's all that matters to me!"




Author-san here and for those that understand physics better pls don't sue me! I'm only 15 and I'm not really good at it.

Anyway for people who may be unsatisfied and say that the story needs progress I'm really sorry, this will be kinda slow paced so bear with me ok. And also Kimimaro will have more dialogue from now on...

Also next chapter will be about how they meet Tayuya so look forward to it

Now then TA TA...