
Author's Note:

Holy shit guys. We reached 50k views, I never thought this fanfics will get that many views.

Thank you all for the nice comments and support. I will try to make this fanfics more original and interesting for you guys...

Untill later TA TA...


In a shop somewhere in The Land of Rice Fields~~

"Big sis these rice cakes are so good! even Maro is enjoying them look!"

Haku points towards Kimimaro who is gulping down rice cakes like it's water

"I guess we found Maro's favourite food I guess, Maro does that mean you don't like my cooking anymore?"

I say with fake tears in my eyes, Kiimaro then panicks and chokes on his rice cakes. After drinking a bottle of water to calm down he turns towards me and says

"Of course I like your cooking big sis! I would never hate your cooking! If you don't believe me than I will prove it by not eating anything but your cooking!!"

"Awww thank you Maro, your so sweet. Don't worry you don't have to prove anything. But anyway are you two full now? We have a land to explore you know."

Haku quickly packs the remaining rice cakes in a storage scroll while Kimimaro buys another plate and quickly packed it away.

"I'm ready big sis. Maro are you done?"

"Wait!! I'm still packing the second plate! I plan on bringing at least a few plates!"

"Haha...Just dont get addicted to it, I would hate a fat Kimimaro!"

Kimimaro then blushes hearing my comment...note to self a blushing Kimimaro is cute as fuck. I quickly approach him from behind and give him a bear hug.

"Ahhhh big sis...can't...breath...let me...go!"

"No way! I just wanna squeeze you, why are you two so darn cute!"

Then they both say in unison that would make any identical twins jealous

""We're not cute!!!""

"No! you are cute!"

"Yep big sis is a bro con..."

"No I'm not! and who taught you that word Haku?"

Haku just sticks his tongue out and slowly backs away.

Kimimaro then squirms as he tries to escape my hug, I just hug him tighter than before so he doesn't escape.

The owner of the shop who is a lady then speaks with adoring eyes. I guess three six year olds hugging and teasing each other is cute...who am I kidding! we are the cutest after all!

"Can you three cuties take it outside please? you are disturbing the other cutomers."


Kimimaro quickly packs the remaining rice cakes then I pay for them, after all that we leave the store and go on to explore the Land of Rice Fields.

A few weeks later in the capital of Land of Rice Fields~~

We are looking around the shopping district in which will be the future Otogakure after Orochimaru conquers it.

Haku is excited as always while Kimimaro is looking for a new place that sells rice cakes.

"Big sis should we buy new clothes? The old ones are all damaged or stained with blood. I think we need new scrolls too."

"Yea I was thinking the same thing too, we also need to order new shoes. I will look for a shoe maker while you two look for some new clothes Ok?"

"Ok, let's go Maro"

"Wait up Haku!"

Haku then runs to the nearest clothing shop while Kimimaro chases after him. I too begin to look for a shoe maker.

After a while of looking I find the shop and a few designs on how the shoes would look like and a few threats later I was done convincing the shoe maker.

As I was walking out of the shop after finishing my order. I could see from the corner of my eyes in an alley, there were a few shady looking guys following me so as any normal person would do I went to a secluded part of the district and stopped at an alley.

A few minutes of waiting later I could sense the shady men approaching so I quickly made a Shadow Clone and hid myself with a jutsu. I waited a few more minutes and as I suspected the men quietly approach my clone while she was busy or 'acting busy' by playing with a cat that coincidentally appeared...you already know it was another clone transformed into a cat but they don't know that, and they never will.

One of the men then takes out a cloth which I presume is dosed in chloroform or something and quickly drugs my clone, not really as it's a clone but it acts like it's drugged and becomes limp.

The other men then take out a bag then they shove my clone in the like dudes at least be gentle about it. They then quickly leave by jumping on the rooftops, I also follow them as I want to see where they take me aka my clone.

I follow them for about an hour before they come to a stop in the outskirts of the village near a shady looking warehouse. They then went in after making sure no one saw them but oh boy did someone see them. Before I go in I quickly made another clone and sent it to look for Haku and Kimimaro as I didn't want to hog all the fun as sharing is caring and it's not everyday you get to raid some kidnappers base. Shut up I don't have a problem.

After waiting for half an hour I could see the clone followed by Haku and Kimimaro coming towards me. I quickly wave to show them my location and after a while they reach me. Haku then says in a worried tone

"Big sis are you ok? I heard from your clone that you were following some kidnappers that kidnapped your other clone!"

"Don't worry Maro I'm fine see nothing happened to me"


"Hahaha I'm just messing with you Haku, and you don't need to worry about me I'll never do something that can hurt me...Ok scratch that I'll never do something that can get me killed...Ok maybe I'll do that but don't worry even if I die I won't!"


I then give Haku and Kimimaro a small steel bottle and say in a reassuring voice

"In that bottle there...is my blood, and if somehow I die then you just have to make a deal with a paedophile by the name of Orochimaru and he'll revive me with a forbidden technique so don't worry about me ok"

""That's not reassuring at all!!"'

"Geez...dying is not that bad you know"

I say in a voice that only I can hear. I already died and it's not that bad really, it's peaceful with no disturbance plus Orochimaru can really revive me and I'll find a way to come back to life for real in the time I'm reanimated...I think.

(The below conversation is in English btw)

"Anyway we're getting side tracked you two. We have kidnappers to kill and possibly kids to rescue and if there are no kids to rescue...then I guess they were really bad at their job. Anyway how are we gonna do this, sneakily like ninjas or just Yolo it?"

They then calm down and begin thinking for a few minutes before Kimimaro surprisingly says

"Lets just Yolo it I guess there are no real ninjas around here and I'm pretty sure they will be regular thugs anyway."

Haku then says arguing to what Kimimaro said

"Maro! you were always the careful type, what has gotten to you these days?"

"I just thought it would be more fun to just go in and kick some ass and I can be a bit more open when I'm with my family can't I? And also because I want to use my new jutsu!"

"Ah ok got it. Anyway how many people are there big sis?"

I quickly use my improved chakra sense and quickly scan the whole base and find a dozen chakra signatures most of them being very weak so I assume they are the children with one being stronger than the rest. There are also a few Chunnin level chakra signatures which should be the kidnappers.

"Ok I can sense a few Chunnin level threats going around the base while there are a few dozens of children in a room at the back of the base. You two take out all the kidnappers while I rescue the childrens, also don't forget to get information out of them Ok?"

""Yes sis""

"Oh oh oh let's do a group hug before we start for good luck"

"Do we have to?"

"I don't mind"

"You should be more like Maro Haku, now come on group hug!"

After a pretty long group hug we set off to the base. The two of them just bust open the front door while I move towards the back. I quietly go towards the room where the children are kept while being on the lookout for enemies.

Before I reach the room I see two guys guarding it. So I just make a few hundreds of senbons, channel wind nature in them and Yeet them their way. They didn't stand a chance Hahaha...anyway I step over the now human porcupines and open the door to the room.

As I walk in I could see at least twenty children and a guy watching over them, the children have several tear trails on their faces except one who looks like someone...I can't remember.

The guy then turns towards me and instantly puts his guard up and says in a demanding tone

"Who are you? are you the one who attacked the base?"

I just smile and make my scythe and run towards him, the guy is surprised for a second and that's all I need as I pump chakra to my feet while reinforcing it and jump towards him in a burst of speed. I swing my scythe sideways towards him but he manages to block it in the last second with a kunai but I immediately follow up with a kick to his face that connects as he falls backwards.

He gets up and yells while running at me as he stabs his kunai towards my chest but I just swim sideways while I kick him in the side. I immediately follow up with a swing from my scythe but at the last second as he's about to block it I make a steel spike below him then with a scream of pain and shame he is impaled by the spike...in the ass.

I dissipate my scythe then offer my prayers to the now deceased man.

"May the goddess Shiro have mercy on your soul...and ass."

I then turn towards the now mostly terrified children and say

"Don't worry me and my brothers are here to save you, so if you want to escape then follow me ok?"

They all nod while some are still stiff...no helping it I guess. I then lead them towards the entrance where I can see Haku and Kimimaro sitting over the dead bodies of at least ten men who are covered in ice or impaled by bones.

The children are then terrified again so I quickly calm them down. I ask Haku and Kimimaro what they got from the kidnappers and they told me it was some powerful guy who had hired them to kidnap children for him.

'So Orochimaru has started his plan to take over The Land of Rice Fields huh, better be careful from now on...'

After all that we go towards the village with the children in tow. After reporting to a random villager he quickly calls the police??? I don't know, they lead them towards the police???station. All of them except one girl.

It was the same girl that I found familiar but couldn't remember. She had red hair and wore some cheap clothes. She seemed like she wanted to say something but was hesitant so I started the conversation with Haku and Kimimaro watching

"So...you dont want to go home?"

She hesitated for a moment before answering in a sad tone

"...I don't have parents, they died when I was four...and I don't want to return to the orphanage, they don't like me because they say I disturb them..."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that...and why do they think you disturb them?"

"Because that don't like it when I play my flute...c-can you take me with you p-please, you are all strong, I want to become strong too so I don't ever get hurt or abducted again plaeas..."

I think for a moment whether I should take her with us or not but I first ask for her name as it would help if I know her from the series or not.

"I'll consider it but first can you tell me your name?"

"T-tayuya just Tayuya..."

