Tayuya (2)

Author's Note:

Hey guys I'm back and better than ever...that was a lie I feel like shit. But you just have to know that I'm getting better, and I'll continue writing this so don't worry I won't drop it...probably...anyway from now on the chapters won't have much time skips and will focus more on character development. The other characters will also have more dialogue too.

Also this chapter may be a bit worse than my other chapters as I have little to no motivation right now. I may edit it in the future but for now here you go

Anyway I'm rambling again, untill next time TA TA...




I feel so dumb...so FUCKING DUMB...how did I not know, she had the red hair, and most importantly 'THE FLUTE!'...*sigh* I want to die again for being so dumb...let's just take care of this quickly, they are looking at me like some kind of idiot which I feel like I am

I quickly compose myself and say in a monotone voice

"Sorry I got distracted for a second there.."

"By what? there was literally nothing to get distracted-...unless! YOU LIKE GIRLS!"

What is that little shit talking about, sometimes Haku can be so dumb*sigh*

"What the hell Haku! who in the world says those thing out loud for everyone to hear! we're like only six year old! I was just spacing out because of some memories Ok! What is wrong with you!"

Haku just looks at me suspiciously while Kimimaro is busy looking at the very interesting ground. And- shit I forgot about Tayuya

I quickly turn towards her and see her with a blush on her cheeks while fidgeting on the spot. Damn you Haku! you ruined my image in front of her

"Sorry about that Tayuya-chan, my brother there can be an idiot sometimes even though he has such a pretty face that would make even girls jealous, anyway back to your request, are you sure you want to follow us?"

Tayuya looks unsure for a moment before a look of determination appears in her eyes, she then says in a determined tone

"Yes, I want to get stronger and you three are the strongest I have ever met so I want to follow you and become strong too! I will do anything so please let me follow you"

Damn she looks adorable with that look...Ok focus Hana this is not the time to be a simp.

"Well we are not really that strong you know there are a lot of people stronger than us, are you sure about it, hmmm?"


"Are you really sure???"

Suddenly the determined look of her's disappears and is replaced by an annoyed look then she says in a brash tone


Oh I guess that toxic tongue is genetic, I thought she got that bad mouth because of her upbringing but I guess I was wrong. At least it's still not that bad

"Haha no need to bad mouth me I was just testing your determination ok...geez, kids these days"

Haku and Kimimaro just deadpan at my bad joke while Tayuya got even angrier

"We are the same age you bastard!"

"Ok ok no need to get angrier haha...well if you are determined then you can follow us, and you don't have to do anything for us you know just some daily chores that we split between ourselves. Just know that we don't really have a home we just go around and roam the elemental nations so you won't really get comfy beds while we are travelling in unpopulated areas."

At my words she looks sad for a moment before she shrugs it off

"Not a big deal, I don't even have a bed in the orphanage. I just sleep on the floor in the corner of the hallway, they said I won't be able to bother them from there with my pesky music or annoying sounds as they call it..."

Well thats sad, I didn't know her childhood was that bad. Now that I think about it the orphanages in this world are shit, at least the orphanage that I was in was decent.

"That's so mean and idiotic of them! Big sis let's go and burn that orphanage down right now! How can they treat her like that, they are supposed to treat every child the same. This is outrageous!!"

Wow I didn't know Haku could get that vocal about mass murder...I guess being with me made him more talkative

It took Kimimaro and me a few minutes to calm down and hold Haku from committing a massacre, meanwhile Tayuya looks touched by Haku's words and how he cares. Wow Haku, you ruined my image and raised your image in front of her. Well played brother well played...

Kimimaro then for the first time since meeting Tayuya speaks up to calm Haku down

"Calm down Haku, we can't just burn down the orphanage. There are children still living there, even if the people running the orphanage treat Tayuya-chan badly at least they are giving a home to orphans. It's way better for them to live in an orphanage then live on the streets where they would have to survive on their own fighting dogs and other children for food. You know how that feels like as you too survived like that before big sis found you."

That seems to calm down Haku a bit as he stops struggling to get free, well that was by far the longest Kimimaro has spoken if I'm not wrong but he does have a point, no child deserves to live on their own fighting dogs, cats and other animals and children to get food.

"Well we will worry about that later as I have a plan to deal with the ones running the orphanage but for now let's introduce ourselves to our new family member won't we?"


"Yep, from now on you are part of our family. Right guys?"

"Yes that's right, from now on you are our new sister Tayuya-chan"


Tayuya was surprised and happy by the word family, as she just thought she would simply be following them as a servant and doing their chores and other things in exchange for them to teach her how to fight. She never thought she would be part of a family, her family died when she was four so she didn't even know them properly so she always wanted one and now she got the chance to be part of one, so she was happy and it showed as there were some tears in her eyes.

"T-thank you..."

"No need to worry about it little sis, from now on we are all brothers and sisters, and siblings(even thought they are not blood related) protect each other."

"Yea that's right no need to thank us"

Kimimaro just nods his head. I guess he's not that good at comforting people but being from the Kaguya Clan and being locked up for most of his childhood will do that to someone

"Ok now for introductions, I will start first..."

I say while smiling to change the mood because no matter how sweet some moments are I don't like emotional moments, it just seems cheesy to me I like to punch someone than to cry or be emotional. But I don't mind when others do it, I'm not some edge lord who only thinks about himself

The others also look towards me as I start:

"Well...My name is Kuroi Hana, I'm six years old...I like to train and fight strong people, I also love my family that I have and I hate betrayal...Hmmm...oh and I also have the Steel Release Kekkei Genkai and I'm currently working on a Kekkei Tota. I also like to work on seals and weapon designing too and my goal in life is to hopefully not die young and live a happy life with my family...well that's about it I think. Now you Haku"

Haku then fixes himself and says with a kind smile:

"My name is Yuuki Haku, I'm also six years old...I like to work on my senbon throwing along with my Kekkei Genkai, I too love my family and I hate people who betray the people they love and forget about the time they spend with them just because they are scared of something that is beyond their control...I have the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai and I'm currently working on a new jutsu...I like to eat and taste different spicy food and I love big sis's cooking. My goal in life is to protect my family...Now you Maro"

Kimimaro then speaks in a calm tone:

"My name is Kaguya Kimimaro, I too am six years old...I like to train and hunt...I hate weak people who pretend to be strong and trample on others. I have the Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai and I'm currently studying the human skeletal system...I like to eat rice cakes and I also love big sis's cooking. My goal in life is to help beat any of big sis's enemies in the future."

Tayuya then speaks up and asks a question which makes sense for her as she lives in the land of Rice Fields

"Wait, what is a Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Tota?"

"Oh, a Kekkei Genkai means a bloodline limit and Kekkei Tota means bloodline selection. A Kekkei Genkai is an anomaly in the DNA that lets it's wielder use unique techniques. There are three types of Kekkei Genkai these are: Dojutsu, Advanced Nature Transformation and The unrivalled ability to use their own bodies. An example of a Dojutsu will be the infamous Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan, while an example of Advanced Nature Transformation will be my Steel Release and Haku's Ice Release and finally, an example of the last on will be Kimimaro's Shikotsumyaku. And a Kekkei Tota is just an advanced nature transformation but with one more nature. Did you get all that?"


"You didn't get it did you"

Tayuya just lowered her head in shame but I won't blame her, she's just a six years old. Even I got a headache the first time I read the explanation on Narutopedia.

I then decided to change the topic to her again to make her feel better

"Well no need to worry about it you'll get it after a while but now that that's done, how about you introduce yourself Tayuya-chan"

She raises her head again and starts her introduction after thinking for a while

"...My name is Tayuya, I don't know my surname...I like to play my flute and make new notes to play. I don't have any special bloodline that I know of...I don't have any thing that I particularly love right now and I hate those who discriminate and shun others just because they are different....I think that's about it..."

"Ok then we all would like to welcome you again to our family, now Tayuya-chan what would you like to do?"

"...I don't kno-*growl*....."




Tayuya's face goes beet red and she just looks down from the shame while cursing lowly.

"Well how about we eat first then talk about other things? what do you all think? Oh and we have to get Tayuya-chan some new clothes of her choice too"

"I'm down for it! how about you Maro?"

"I don't mind"

"Ok then let's goooo..."