Shopping for Clothes and Progress

Author's Note:

Hey there, I know I haven't posted much this week but that's because I want to focus more on my studies, the exams are getting closer and I want to at least have 'GOOD' yeah I think it'll be two chapters a week from now on till the exams are over.

Anyway, for now TA TA


Land of Rice Fields, in a random clothing store-

"How about this one?...I think I like the last one better. Yea the last one was better, this one looks too frilly to me...what do you all think?"

Tayuya is trying out different clothes right now, at first she was reluctant as she didn't have money but we assured her by saying that we had enough money to live comfortably for a few years with the money we sto*cough* I mean the money somebody donated to us orphans, so after a few tries she finally started getting into it...and stop thinking what your thinking right now! I know what's on your mind and to that I have one thing to say...get your mind out of the gutter! she's just six you pedo. And if your not thinking that...well let's just say 'MY' mind is in the gutter...well enough of that, where was I...oh yeah clothing

We have clothes I selected and some she selected, and let me tell you there's a lot of black, red and white...yeah we both don't like flashy colours except maybe the red. Right now she is wearing a short sleeved white shirt with a red skirt with frills and black stockings, I personally don't like frills or anything that seems too girly.

I like things that are practical and gives some protection, so mainly western clothes as I like the style and most importantly...they look badass when worn correctly, especially suits(American,British and Italian) just look at John Wick or James Bond. But that doesn't mean I hate clothes from other regions...except Chinese! those cultivation bullshit i read ruined Chinese clothing for me, plus western clothes are easy to buy and wear

And just how western clothes exist in Naruto...I guess we'll never know.

Anyway I'm getting side tracked again, I check her current outfit and honestly...iiii don't like it.

", I dont like it. Next one, this one is a no no from both of us"

She nods and quickly tries another one, while changing she asks in a louder volume so I can hear it from here, I mean I can hear everything within this store and a meter from it with the help of chakra but she doesn't know that

"Where are Haku and Kimimaro? I thought they were here with us when we entered"

"Oh, well they got bored of waiting so they went to look for a good place to eat I think, I too don't like to wait too long so please hurry up, or else I will hug you for an entire day"

"Well that doesn't sound so ne Hana-nii, how are you so mature while being the same age as us? Kimimaro is also mature as is Haku but your way more mature then them, why is that?"

Well that came out of nowhere...well maybe not, someone who has a good head on their shoulder would be able to see it after a while now that I think about it. What should I say...meh no need to make excuses

"Superior genes Tayuya-chan superior genes."

No excuses my ass! no way I'm telling her I'm a 18 year old in a six year old body, not yet anyway...

"...what's a gene Hana-nii?"

oh yeah...we're six, of course she doesn't know what genes are, well there's only one way to answere that question

"Don't worry about it"


After a minute or so she walks out with an outfit I personally like. It's a black full sleeve shirt with straight white lines that go down to the sleeves, black tight pants, a dull pink jacket with the front open with dull red shoes, yes this shop sells shoes, yes shoes exist in Naruto but I guess no one was interested in them.

"This one is good, it looks good on you. I think that's all the clothes we picked right?"

"Thank you, and yes this is the last one. I personally like pink but dull pink not the regular pink, It stands out too much for me."

"Well I agree with that, imagine if you had bright pink hair hahaha it would stand out more than your red hair."

"Yea, that would suck you would have to dye your hair whenever you go out for missions if your a ninja. Even my hair stands out too much"

"Well I'll pay for them while you seal them in this"

Saying that I toss a storage scroll that I personally made, I haven't been slacking out on my training. I make at least 50 clones before I sleep to practice my Kekkei Genkai, Kekkei Tota, Fuinjutsu and other stuff that doesn't need me to personally train like my body strength and other stuff.

I'm currently a level five seal master, my calligraphy is perfect with the help of Perfect Adaptability, and I'm getting more adapted to making seals. I think after a few more years I'll be as good as Uzumaki's in Fuinjutsu. And if your wondering where I learned Fuinjutsu from, well I stole most of them but outside of Konoha there's not many books on this subject so level five is my limit for now untill I steal some from Konoha.

And I have not slacked off on my body either, every day after breakfast I spar with Kimimaro and Haku. I have adapted to their fighting style too so it gets easier and easier to fight them at the same time. I also made Gravity Seals and believe me when I say this Perfect Adaptability is the best, with it I adapted to the increased gravity pretty quickly and it gets easier and easier.

Now my speed is easily Jonin or Special Jonin level, I have also put my body in a constant state of chakra exhaustion before I sleep by making as many Shadow Clones as i can so that I can increase my reserves and again with Prefect Adaptability I won't suffer major backlash as I get adapted to it. Now my reserves are easily reaching Special Jonin to Low Kage level. Now that's scary op if you ask me, but I still don't have enough experience, sure Kimimaro is an expert in Taijutsu and Kenjutsu but he can still lose to someone who has more experience and that's the same for me.

And recently I have started to learn Kenjutsu because as much as I like my Scythe and Chain combo they're a long to mid range weapons, so I learned how to use swords from Kimimaro.

On a side note I also began trying to breathe under water...yea crazy I know but I'm making progress I can hold my breathe for an hour now without chakra and with chakra for two hours, I'm telling you Prefect Adaptability is op as fuck.

Now about my Kekkei Genkai, I can make any metal I touch so my goal is to touch if not steal or take every sword from the seven swordsmen of the mist. Just imagine combining Samehade's chakra eating with Hiramekarei's chakra storing and manipulation, Kiba's conductivity and sharpness with Nuibari's piercing, Kabutowari's power with Shibuki's explosive power, all of them combined with the regeneration of Kubikiribōchō. And let's not forget about the Sword of Kusanagi(Sasuke's and Orochimaru's) all of these combined will make the ultimate sword in the Naruto World if you don't count the truth seeking balls, and I can make hundreds or thousands of them, this is one of the reasons I chose Steel Release, Its op as fuck but got very little screen time(the copying part may not be true but it's a fanfic, let a man dream ok)

And also about my Kekkei Tota, well I made some progress, I can now control at least ten swords that orbit around me but if I want total and smooth control I have to reduce it to five but thats also broken already as stated my Kimimaro, I can't wait to have hundreds if not thousands of these sworeds orbiting around me as I float in the air while I shred my enemies to pieces like a grinder...DAMN that's a badass picture.

I get brought back to my senses by Tayuya waving in front of my face so I quickly take out my wallet...yes wallet and not a purse, I walk to the shopkeeper and pay for the clothes

After paying I turn to see that Tayuya has also finished sealing the clothes and shoes so I gesture her to leave first, after I double check that I haven't forgot anything I walk out, there Tayuya is standing in her new clothes

I walk over to her and after a few more checking that she didn't forget anything I say to her

"Well let's find our brothers shall we..."

"Yeah I can't wait to show them my new clothes, come on let's go and find them right now.."

She quickly answers in an excited voice like a child who got a new toy...wait she is a child...I'm a child too...I need to think of new things to compare situations now... well that's not important

"Yeah let's go..."


If you got confused, the training and all the other stuff happened before they met Tayuya, but she will keep training even after this ok.

And for those that think she got op too fast...she has a cheat ability and a Kekkei Genkai that's mysterious as it was never shown much in the anime or manga.

You want to know who's op. Itachi, Kakashi, Shisui, Obito and many others, they didn't have Perfect Adaptability or other cheats, just really insane talent.

Itachi graduated at age 7, awakened his Sharingan at age 8, became Chunnin at age 10, became Anbu at age 11 and became a captain at age 12, massacred his clan at age 13, awakened his MS at age 14-16 and if not for his disease and willingness to die, Sasuke wouldn't be able to touch even his hair. Now thats crazy op

Kakashi is the same as Itachi but on steroids, graduated at age 5, became Chunnin 6, became Jonin at age 12, became Anbu at age 13, became captain at age 14-15(it's not clear) and if not for Obito's Sharingan crippling him he would have been one of the strongest ninjas of his age

Shisui is also a genius but is underrated, graduated at age 7, awakened his Sharingan at age 7 too, became Chunnin at age 7 again, awakened his MS at age 7-8, became Jonin at age 11, joined Anbu at age 11-12, fought Danzo a Kage level powerhouse and his Root to a standstill and survived but chose to sacrifice himself for itachi to carry out his will

Now Obito. Obito is also a genius in his own right, unlike Itachi, Shisui or Kakashi, Obito was pretty average in his early life but after being saved by Madara and watching Rin get penetrated by Kakashi(heh) his talent soared, people could say it was Hashirama's cells and Madara's teaching but the growth spurt is too ridiculous, he slaughtered a dozen of Kiri ninjas, controlled the Mizukage, made Kisame his loyal subordinate, and a few years later attacked Konoha and fighting the Fourth Hokage to a standstill for some time, meaning he's already a Kage level, controlled the Nine-tails to destroy the village and succeeding to indirectly kill Minato and's simply ridiculous

Anyway thank you for listening to my rambling that doesn't make sense sometimes