Chapter 32

Such a big strong griffin eagle lion dashing at anyone would freeze them on the spot, but for me, as I've already regarded my life as spendable at this point, already accepted that I was as dead as one could be while still breathing, instead of running or cowering uselessly I do the only thing that would give me any satisfaction before he stomps all over me: I stare him down as he approaches, barely able to keep my body from giving up at that point from the crushed bones, open cuts that still oozed blood from my already weakened state, and I do not even try a futile attempt to run or dodge away in that state, I stare death in the eye as a weight is morbidly lifted from my heart the way only death could do so with nothingness in the horizon as I face my own end.

And there, facing the end of my short young life, I can only hope I have made mother proud, at least in the end. Just… Don't cry too much, ok? Don't give this shitty lion the satisfaction.