Chapter 33

As my previous home vanishes from sight I'm left to discover just how high in the skies we were, looking over the clouds whooshing by as I try to make myself bigger and turn around to increase my resistance in the air and slow down my rapid fall, stretching my wings out and feeling that this young body of mine is taking a beating from the wind, the pressure pushing against all my wounds and threatening to rob my conscious away but the adrenaline rushing is barely managing to keep the pain and darkness at bay.

I watch in a panic as the ground grows bigger and bigger, approaching too quickly, the rapid wind buzzing high on my ears and the lack of air adding to my dizziness, plus trying to stop my fall brings new pain as the strength of the fall and the high speed that everything goes sore and shuddering terror sweeps over my limbs as I manage to panic, losing even more precious seconds in the process, but keeping my cool in that circumstances was too much, even for me.