The end and the beginning


News of the only person in the world possessing the world's highest-ranking skill had already died down after ten years. But the marks of his suffering would never be erased.

Liu Yang caused the biggest disturbance in the world after awakening the Level Lock.

Everyone thought the skill would be unbelievable or broken because it was the highest rank of skills, the Unknown rank.

Skills from S rank to SSS were very powerful, so this thought was normal.

Unfortunately, when the information about the Level Lock was read, the world froze.

Level Lock - The user can't level.

That was the description of the skill.

The world exploded into a great uproar after the news recovered.

Everything was being broadcast live, so people were following without closing their eyes to have something to comment on the next day.

Within moments, all the news was talking about what this Level Lock was and why it was considered the rarest skill of all.

The debate was split into two sides.

One side believed that the Level Lock skill prevented one from leveling up, but there must be some secret that defies the heavens because it was the highest rank skill.

The other side believes that the skill had the highest rank because it turned the user into a normal person before the new world. Rather than receiving an F rank skill, the Level Lock completely prevented the user from leveling. So they thought there was no secret.

The two sides had great debates over ten years.

Liu Yang was used as a guinea pig to test the limits of his awakening body.

Unlike most awakened beings, he received extra stat points.

When the first level is gained, the person gains access to the system to see their status.

But only some information can be seen like the level, the four attributes, and the skills.







Normal people start with all attributes at zero. But there were rare exceptions where some children awakened with some extra points, they were the ones that awakened S rank skills or above.

The higher the skill rank, the higher the number of points received.

That was the case for Liu Yang, who awakened the following attributes.

Level: 0

Strength(STR): 0 + 25

Agility(AGI): 0 + 25

Vitality(VIT): 0 + 25

Intelligence(INT): 0 + 25

His stats could be considered pretty good for someone who could never level up.

At each level, one point was earned to be used. Two points were earned on levels that are multiples of five.

So the total sum was one hundred points, which is equivalent to eighty levels.

Unfortunately, all the points were distributed across the four attributes.

No one could know about this information because it couldn't be shown, only estimated.

The heavy training Liu Yang received during the experiments was to test his body's limits.

When Liu Yang turned six, he received heavy training that special forces personnel receive as survival, fighting, and testing of skills.

For a six-year-old child to do this was the same as killing him, but the points in the attributes gave Liu Yang the same physical body as an adult male. So it wasn't a difficult thing to do, but it was still very tiring and heavy for a kid who didn't have a strong mindset.

As his parents died during a major battle that took place when he was two years old, Liu Yang was left in the care of a close relative of his parents.

To rent Liu Yang for the experiments, a lot of money was given to this relative, but some were sent to a special account in Liu Yang's name and only he could use it, he was also given a house to live in when the experiments were over.

So he was left by his relatives to suffer like a guinea pig for ten years.

At the age of seven, he defeated the first level 1 creature. In the following months, he defeated a thousand level 1 creatures. In one year, he had defeated several thousand.

At the age of eight, he defeated the first level 5 and level 10 creatures. Over the next few months, he kept doing the same thing until he defeated a thousand.

Unfortunately, the result was always the same.

No matter how many creatures were defeated or experienced gained, Liu Yang never even leveled up once.

Over ten years, scientists and the world's governments have tested Liu Yang to see if there was any way for him to level off or grow stronger.

But that never happened.

No matter how many creatures from level 1 to level 10 were defeated by him, no level was gained.

After ten years of grueling training and a few experiments, the torture is finally over.

The government and scientists realized that nothing could be done to help Liu Yang and no new discoveries were made about the Level Lock skill.

Thus, he was released from everything and could live a normal life as a young man.

But the memories of when he was inside the lab and training centers would forever be etched in his mind and soul.