A normal school


The alarm clock chirped before being stopped by a thin hand.

A young man woke up from his long, heavy sleep.

Looking at the time, 04:00, and outside, he showed no emotion whatsoever. He just yawned before going to the bathroom.

Breakfast was prepared before being devoured while watching the late-night news.

The same old things were shown every day. He only watched television out of habit.

After the meal, the young man walked to a small altar to pray. There were some pictures of a man and a woman holding a baby.

"I'm leaving" He muttered before putting on his running shoes.

07:00 in the morning…

The cold wind blew through the streets full of people walking everywhere.

Most were young people wearing school uniforms, the others were workers.

The city streets during the morning were a little congested due to the population going to work, but it was the same as usual in a big city.

Some extravagant people fly around the city using carriages and flying cars to avoid traffic.

A young man was walking the streets, people were looking at him with all kinds of eyes.

Disdain, pity, and fun.

Many private conversations about him echo all the way.

The young man was Liu Yang.

After almost ten years of news about him, it was impossible to forget about him.

Liu Yang was almost a celebrity but in the worst possible way.

The comments were things he was already used to.

Since the end of the government and scientists' project almost a year ago, Liu Yang started to live a normal life, but it was difficult.

A lot of people came to pester him about the project and other random things.

Sometimes, he even suffered intimidation from the awakened beings who had leveled up to do this to him.

The first few months were the hardest to adapt to because a lot has changed in the last ten years, but he had help from some people in the lab who were a little sorry and helped Liu Yang adapt to his new life as a normal person.

Eastern District High School…

A new school year has begun for the students.

Many faces were new and familiar to the students. They laughed and chatted as a group as they walked through the school gates.

But a curious scene could be seen among all the students, none of them used their skills or tried to show it to the others.

The Eastern District High School was a little different from the others because it was not a school to train young people to use their skills. But it is an ordinary school for young people who don't want to fight and prefer to live a normal life.

The vast majority chose this school because they had bad experiences during training or adventures in dangerous areas. Only a small part of the students really wanted to live a life without adventures.

Liu Yang's arrival at the school gates sparked many private, low-voiced conversations.

Even though the news stopped talking about him, anyone who awakened in the same year as Liu Yang would know who he was.

The child with the most mysterious and highest-ranking skill in human history. Liu Yang is the only child in the world who can't level.

On the other hand, he received twenty-five stat points in each of the stats. That was enough for him to fend off low-level creatures or some other awakened being.

"Is it really him?"

"Is this guy finally released by the government?"

"Yea. I've heard rumors that he received military training as part of experiments to test the Level Lock. From the indifferent aura he exudes, he must be much more experienced in battle than any other young man I've ever seen."

"It's unexpected that he comes to this school."

"Why unexpected? He can't level, so he can only live like a normal person"

The conversations were almost always the same things.

Liu Yang didn't even bother with that and continued his steps toward the classroom.

His current age was sixteen, so he enrolled in third grade even though he never attended school after his fifth birthday.

Besides the military training, he received classes on subjects as diverse as mathematics, history, biology, and among other things a young man needs to learn to go to school.

Some of the scientists taught this to him because it was necessary to be able to go to school or university after the experiments were over.

The hallways and classrooms were just like any other normal school for people who didn't want to deal with creatures.

Liu Yang sat on a random chair and stared out the window.

A strange feeling could be felt in his heart.

After so many years, he was back at school.