A distant person

The cold, cool wind blew in all directions. The grasses dance following the wind.

On the other side of the portal was a large open field of tall grass, but it was as tall as a full-grown man.

Many Hunters were still stationed in the areas near the portal before beginning their adventures.

This place was called Grass Field, the most basic and weakest hunting ground of all.

Only the most inexperienced came to this location to level up or train.

There was nothing useful that could be taken advantage of from the creatures other than the little experience for the novices.

Liu Yang's arrival was not a flashy thing because they were already used to seeing him around the place.

A few months ago, when Liu Yang started living his new life, he had some difficulties adapting, so he would come to Grass Field to relax and do his daily training.

In the beginning, many people surrounded him as if he was some kind of celebrity because of being the only person in the world who can't level, but he was just as powerful as those who level up to a certain level.

But as time passed, they stopped surrounding him because Liu Yang showed up every day and became a person like any other, but sometimes, some curious people still came to talk to him.

Liu Yang's training was to fight with the creatures to keep his combat skills sharp.

The creatures that live in the Grass Field were just Slimes. As if it was some kind of game, this location only had weak creatures, but the experience gained from defeating these things was so low that it wasn't even worth wasting too much time on the location.

Only those who want to start leveling up and learn more about the world come to Grass Field to train.

From level 0 to level 1 it was necessary to defeat almost a thousand Slimes. It shows how poor the experience was, but it was a good thing to train.

For several months in a row, Liu Yang kept doing the same thing.

Stalk, ambush, attack, and dodge. Those were the night drills he did daily.

Liu Yang lurked in the tall grass waiting to ambush prey, listening to the sounds of jumping and grass being broken, when the slimes approach, he slashes his sword right at the core.

Slimes were like weird jellies crawling and jumping around, their size was a small mountain a meter high. The core was like a football, so it was easy to cut.

The weapon used by Liu Yang was a high-quality steel sword, but it was just something common when compared to the weapons that the high level or richer Hunters use.

The appearance was like a katana or a very long knife, but the size was one and a half meters long with both sides of the blade extremely sharp.

The sword was different because of Liu Yang's request, the blacksmith forged the requested weapon for him.

The morning workouts when he woke up were running, push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks.

These things had been routine for him since he was five. Fortunately, his hair hasn't been lost over the ten years.

Some older adventurers even used Liu Yang as a role model when they went to teach the younger ones inside the Grass Field because of the experience and the way he acted before and during fights.

Only those who had had intense and dangerous training had this kind of ability.

So they were a good example to behold.

The Grass Field has disabled the use of technologies, that is, when someone enters the portal and passes to the other side, no technological device can be used.

Until now, no researcher has been able to understand why this happens.

The only way to keep in touch was with a communication device created with magic and items made from the creatures.

Night training lasted about four hours before Liu Yang went home to sleep and woke up again for the next day.

Liu Yang's school life was a great bore for him because of the things he had already learned when he was in the laboratory. Also, the other students didn't talk to him because of his cold and distant aura.

Someone who received military training acted differently from a normal person. So it was normal for many to prefer to stay away from him.

Liu Yang didn't really care about that either because it was only six months. It makes no difference to him whether he makes friends or not.

His goal in high school was just to get a diploma to show that he finished before he could go to some university.

But he still thought the feeling of being in school and being able to feel like a normal young man was good too.

Unfortunately, he still had trouble adapting.

Someone like him could only become a low-level Hunter because of the extra stats for awakening an Unknown rank skill.

The payment wasn't too high, not too low, but enough to live a good life.

So he wanted to do something else as an engineer or something.

Something that is only learned in universities.