A strange feeling

The first week of school was tiring, and tedious, but the feeling of being a normal person was something Liu Yang had longed for a long time.

Not having to listen to the soldiers' orders and shouts during training was a very good thing for him.

On Saturdays, Liu Yang always stayed inside the Grass Field all day to explore the place further.

Even though the government had already done that and found nothing, Liu Yang still liked to explore the place because it was the only place he could go without having to travel a little further.

The Grass Field's shape appeared to be a large circular piece of land within a confined space.

The size was almost five square kilometers.

The place was not very big, nobody even knew why this place was that big, but it only had level 0 Slimes.

Liu Yang mapped all the areas he visited during the several months of exploration.

Looking at the map projected on the special imaging device created from the items taken from the creatures, one hundred percent was already darkened.

The lightened areas were the unvisited sites, but there were none.

Despite this, he kept wandering around the place because he felt something calling to him, but he didn't know what it was.

(I remember the feeling I felt back then was this way…) Liu Yang slowly walked in a certain direction, something he had always tried to do in recent months, but didn't have time.

During the walk, several Slimes were seen, but they were easily defeated.

The core was as fragile as an air bladder. Just the sword's cut was enough to break.

Always walking in the same direction, Liu Yang was finally able to feel something, but it was stronger than before.

(Looks like it's really around here, but this location is taking me towards the center…)

In these areas, rarely did anyone come because there was no need to stray too far from the entrance.

Nobody comes to Grass Field to level, but to learn about the creatures in a real situation and not in a simulator.

(I think this is the spot… But there's nothing around here) The feeling in this area was greater than in the others, but looking to the sides there was only tall grass and nothing else.

(Is it hidden in the ground?) Using the sword to dig into the ground, nothing was found.

Until something shiny was seen, but it was not possible to know what it was because it was dirty.


When Liu Yang touched the item, something surprising happened.

Time stopped instantly.

It was as if everything had stopped and in that single second, many things had happened.

The glowing item glowed brighter before turning into a flash of light and entering Liu Yang's body.

Everything returned to normal after this event.

"huh???" Liu Yang looked at the hole he had dug, but it wasn't there anymore.

A strange look appeared on his casual face. It was difficult for him to show a change in his expressions, but what had happened was really something surprising.

Something happened when he tried to touch the item, but he didn't know what it was.

(That feeling… The direction has changed!!! What's happening??!!!!) Liu Yang felt something calling to him in the same way as before but in another direction.

Running in that direction, he came a few kilometers away.

The place was the same as the other, but the feeling was as strong as before.

Digging the hole, Liu Yang saw one more glowing item, but before touching it, he dug deeper to see what it was.

Unfortunately, when he tried to do that, time stopped again and the glowing item glowed before entering Liu Yang's body.

Time returned again, but everything stayed the same as before. As if nothing had happened.

"..." Liu Yang didn't understand anything that was happening but continued doing what he had to do.

For the third time, the same thing happened.

Not knowing what to do, he looked at his watch and saw that it was already late.

It was almost ten o'clock at night.

So he decided to leave the Grass Field.

The instant he touched the portal, something surprising happened.

Time stopped again, at that same instant, three lights leave his body and return to the same places as before.

Liu Yang was oblivious to what happened.