Katharin and Xinyue

Coming home…


The lights on the other side of the door were on, which surprised him, but he soon returned to normal because he already knew who the people inside his house could be.

In the living room, there were two women wearing office clothes, but there were two lab coats on the table along with a few bottles of wine and snacks.

"Liu Yang, you've finally returned. We've been waiting for several hours already, but you didn't even show up. We even thought you were in some motel with some prostitute." A woman in her late youth commented with an amused but a little resentful tone.

It was obvious that she was a little displeased that Liu Yang was not home.

Her appearance was that of a foreign woman. Her body might be considered sexy and erotic, but her beauty was magnified because of the tight office clothes she wore.

If she wore casual clothes, some people might think she was some kind of lingerie model.

"Katharin, you shouldn't talk to Liu Yang like that. He is a young person and he needs to enjoy his youth. He is not like us, successful women who never go through this, but in return, we are successful women in our lives." The other woman also commented, but she also felt the same way.

Her appearance was that of a young Asian girl, but if you compare it to the beauty of the woman named Katharin, she was still missing. But her ordinary appearance also drew attention because of her glasses and her face flushed from wine.

The two women wear the same types of tight office clothes, but the difference between the women's physiques was clear.

"Xinyue, you shouldn't defend him. Men are all the same. They will always want to look for food outside, even if they have food inside." Katharin continued playing.

"Katharin, I think you're right. Let's keep drinking to forget about a certain person who wasn't home to greet us." The young woman named Xinyue raised her glass to drink more wine before grabbing some snacks.

"That's right. Let's keep drinking." She also drank all the wine before pouring more into the glass.

"What are you two doing?" Liu Yang stopped staring and finally spoke.

He looked like he was used to the sarcastic insulting words from the two women.

"We're drinking because the man we were waiting for inside the house wasn't there" The two speakers at the same time. They looked like they were drunk.

Looking at the amount of empty and full bottles, Liu Yang just sighed because there would still be plenty of time to listen to the two women talking before bed.

Not paying much attention to them, he grabbed the lab coats to hang up somewhere. It wasn't good to leave it lying on the table along with the wine and snacks.

"Liu Yang, hang this up for me." Katharin took off her black blazer and threw it at him.

The breast area showed a large slit that was hidden underneath.

"Liu Yang, help me too…" Xinyue looked more flustered because of the alcohol. So she had a hard time taking off her light brown blazer.

Her hands couldn't undo the buttons.

"..." Liu Yang just sighed at the sight of this strange scene.

Xinyue only lifted her chest to ease the process, but Katharin just looked sideways with bright eyes as if she saw interesting action.

Liu Yang easily took off her blazer without accidentally touching her body.

Clothes and lab coats were hung on a wooden rack. There were also some other clothes hanging there.

"Liu Yang, bring us some more snacks. We're hungry"'

"Why don't you try to wait for dinner?"

"Will you cook for us? So be quick. We were waiting for you for several hours until we got hungry."

"How long have you been eating and drinking?"

From the mess made it was possible to have an estimate.

"Long enough to get drunk and get some sleep" Katharin pointed at Xinyue, she already had her eyes closed and the empty glass on her side.

"..." He just sighed at the sight of this scene.

Like a gentleman, Liu Yang carried her like a princess to the spare room so she could get a good night's sleep.

"What are you doing?"

Returning to the living room, he saw Katharin lying on the sofa wearing only her skirt. A strange look immediately appeared on his face.

The dress shirt was removed and thrown on the floor.

The two twin peaks were much larger when they were revealed. They were covered in sexy black bras.

"Liu Yang, come here. I'd like to have a massage."