Zombie World(6)

The group wore steel armor and light leather clothing, but there were daggers and swords slung at their waists. But their cold aura shows that they were not common.

"Ling Zaya, what should we do? Will we continue? Or will we go after another target?" One of them asked.

"I'm thinking." Ling Zaya was a young man of twenty-seven years. He wore leather clothes and four daggers were strapped to his waist.

His gloves and boots had sharp spikes to attack targets.

Looking around and seeing how deplorable the building was, he was thoughtful because a place like this wouldn't withstand a big battle.

"Let's follow. He sold some valuable information to get three thousand Credits. Even if he gives half to those other three, he still has the other half of the money. This is enough for us to buy some supplies and we can also find out what kind of information was sold for that price."

"When are we going to start?" The other had cold gazes as he licked the dagger blade as if excited to hunt Liu Yang inside a dangerous location.

'Let's go together because if there are any high-level zombies, we're in trouble, so you better be careful. But be careful not to damage the building. This place could collapse at any moment and kill us."

"ROGER" The group formed up.

A rhombus was made.

Because of the darkness, the group had to use some light stones to light up the areas.

The scene they saw was something shocking because there were some signs with Chinese characters inside the building.

"What is this place? Why is there something like that here?" They hadn't seen this in the previous exploration, so it was a surprising thing to see.

"This place is very strange. Look, it says it's a commercial building here." A large, cracked, dust-covered sign sat on top of the elevator.

"That doesn't make any sense unless this Zombie World is some city in China that was destroyed or all the inhabitants turned into zombies." That thought was something that left everyone scared and in a cold sweat.

Who could do something like that? Transform an entire city into deadly zombies.

Walking through the hallways and looking around the rooms, they saw nothing unusual, just a few low-level zombies crawling around, which were quickly defeated.

"He must have hidden somewhere on the floors above, around here there's nothing but zombies and rocks."

"Let's split up and search. But be careful not to get hurt by the zombies. This will be very troublesome"


Two of them go up to the floors above and the other two continue on the floors below.

Liu Yang was on the sixth floor looking out through the window, but his face had a very shocked look and in his heart there was fear.

What he was seeing was not only shocking but very frightening.

Because of the height, he saw some things on the other side of town.

A big golden sign, but broken. Some pieces of the characters were missing, but it was understandable if you thought about it.

(That's not possible!!!!! What's going on??!!!! This Zombie World is Guangzhou???!! This doesn't make sense!!!!) Liu Yang mentally screamed at the sign.

The sign was for some important monument or site in Guangzhou, but the site was already destroyed.

(What is this place?!!!) He kept asking questions but no answers.

tap… tap…

His thoughts are interrupted when the sounds of footsteps are heard.

"..." Leaving aside the doubts, he hid somewhere to make a surprise attack.

Military training was not just physical and survival training, but also assassination and other things.

Thus, Liu Yang was able to sneak around without making a sound and hide the aura and other things that assassins can do.

One of the pursuers passed down the hall, he pointed the crystal of light into each room to see if there was anyone or anything hidden.

The light revealed the interior of the room, but there was no one. Liu Yang had already gone somewhere else.

Walking to the end of the hall, the thick and large tree trunk can be seen.

The tree pierced from underground to several floors up. The thick branches stretch for several meters and cover many rooms with their green leaves.

zzzzzz… zzzzzz…


The sound of leaves swaying is heard, the man cut towards the sound but it was nothing but the icy wind blowing.

"..." He didn't let his guard down and kept looking to see if there was any kind of rare item on the tree, like some fruit or gem.

zzzzz… zzzz…


The leaves are shaken again and another cutting sound is heard.



Not wanting to feel the wind again, he cut the branch along with the leaves.

"humpf…" He huffed in anger because it was so uncomfortable.

The instant he turned to the side, something surprising happened.


The cut branch grew rapidly as if it had taken some growth tonic.

The speed was so fast that not even the man could react before he was pierced through the heart. He died instantly.

Within moments, his body began to rot before he stood up again.

"arg…" Strange sounds come out of his mouth, but his empty, lifeless eyes make him wander aimlessly around the building.

The man turned into a zombie.

The cut branch jumped to the height of the cut to connect to the tree again.

It didn't even look like it was cut a few moments ago.