Zombie World(7)

"..." Liu Yang was behind the tree with his sword in hand, but his clothes were stuck to his body because of the cold sweat.

The plan was to create a distraction and attack decisively to try and kill the target. But it was necessary to cut some leaves or small branches.

Fortunately, the other side did it first and showed what happens when a branch is cut.

Cold sweat ran down his entire body like a waterfall.

If he were the person who cut the branch, he would be the zombie, not the man.

The sword was carefully stored so as not to cut the branch before leaving with light steps without wanting to disturb the tree.

When he walked ten feet away from the tree, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The previous scene was traumatizing enough that I didn't want to be near the tree. At the same time, many ideas pop into his mind.

There were still three more people chasing him.

If they are tricked into being ambushed in the tree, the chances of them turning into zombies are high.

Unfortunately, not everything went as planned.

"ARG…" The strange sounds made by the zombies echo throughout the building.

"WATCH OUT!!!!!!!"



The trio's screams make a great echo to the floors above.

"!!!!!!" Liu Yang heard everything and prepared to flee. He didn't know the level of zombie dogs, so it was better not to try to figure out why getting a wound to any part of the body was enough to get him into a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, he didn't even have time to run when the branches and leaves cover the entire building like a tent.

Everything went dark.

"ARG!!!" Various strange sounds made by the zombie dogs echo through the entire building.

The windows were closed, but Liu Yang didn't have the heart to cut.

If he is injured by the branches like the man from before, he would be killed and turned into a zombie.

This was something he didn't want.

With no chance of escape, he could only fight for his life.

Three stones of light were thrown in the corners of the room to illuminate everything.

In front of the zombies, he needs to be able to see the targets and avoid the attacks.

A concrete block was placed in the doorway as a barrier to prevent low-level zombies from entering the room.

BOOOM!!!!! BOOOM!!! PANG!!! PANG!!!!

On the floors below there were violent fights between the group and the zombie dogs.

"ARGGG…" Suddenly, more than fifty zombies appeared in the hallway walking towards the room where Liu Yang was waiting, but none of them made it through the concrete block, they tried to cross by pushing each other in an attempt to get inside.

Fortunately, they stayed behind the barrier with no way to get through it.

slash!!! slash!!!

The sword flashed on all sides and the heads were cut in half.

Defeated zombies fall to the ground, but others step over and try to pass through the stone block, but also fail.

Eventually, the rotting bodies form a small mountain. Even the zombies had a hard time getting through this area.

"ARGG!!!" The zombie dogs finally appeared.

"ARGG!!!" Two of them jump over the small mountain and stone block to enter the room.


Liu Yang was already prepared and cut one of the zombie dogs in half with his sharp sword.

"..." It was easier than he thought.

But it was still difficult because it requires a lot of force to cut.

"ARGG!!!!" The other zombie dog opens its giant mouth covered by several hundred teeth towards Liu Yang as if to devour him.

Its charge speed was extremely fast before jumping with its mouth open, which moved both ways to open and close.

Liu Yang lay down on the ground as he raised his sword upwards.


The creature had its body cut on two sides.

"These zombie dogs are weaker than I thought. Speed ​​may be high, but bodies are just as weak as low-level zombies." Looking at the rotting body, he felt a little sick.

Such a scene was grotesque and rare to see.

"I still need to defeat about nine hundred…" He was dismayed as he looked at the mission window but kept his expression casual.

Walking forward again, the sword sliced ​​off the zombies' heads.

The counter went up slowly.

The zombies on the floor were completely defeated, but there were still many inside the building and some were even higher levels.

Liu Yang went down to the floors below to check a few things.

The other three men had large holes in their chests, so it was easy to see that they had been pierced by the branches and turned into zombies.

The first floor of the building had only low-level zombies, not a single zombie dog, so they were all easily defeated by Liu Yang.

The second and third floors were the same.

But when he got to the fourth floor, the zombie dogs started to appear.

By the ninth floor, over a thousand zombies had been defeated and Liu Yang received the reward, two points in each attribute, but the suppression was still on his body, so there wasn't much of an increase.

Arriving on the tenth floor…

The place was a big empty place with nothing. Just a giant tree trunk piercing the floor and ceiling. Green leaves and thick branches spread over about half the floor.

Next to the tree was a zombie with a humanoid appearance, but it was different from the others.