Zombie Commander(1)

The zombie was a warrior from ancient China, a general dressed in steel armor ornamented with some jewels, but it was partially broken and cracked in places. In his right arm was a long, old but sharp wooden spear.

The head was covered by the cracked steel helmet, not even the eye could be seen.

The entire body was covered by the armor.

"..." Liu Yang felt a great pressure coming from him.

"Is it a commander? Or a general?" Liu Yang couldn't identify it, but most likely it was a commander.

A general was a much higher rank, so he should be much more powerful.

Sensing the arrival of prey, two bright lights appear under the helmet.

There was a hole for the eyes to see.

crack… crack…

The mechanical movements cause the armor cracking sounds.

"..." Liu Yang didn't need to comment, he just changed the sword for the one he received as a gift.

The Zombie Commander was there, so to get out of the building it was necessary to defeat him. But the lack of information about his opponent was fatal.

Both sides stare at each other as if analyzing the opponent.

stomp!!!! stomp!!!!

Liu Yang charged with force and speed toward the Zombie Commander, it did the same when Liu Yang reached the middle of the room.

The Zombie Commander's speed was slow like a person running slowly, but it's still much faster than any other low-level zombies.

"Ice Spear!!!"

The ice spear materialized and shot towards the target.


The spearhead destroyed the ice spear with just one blow.



When the fireball collided with the spear, the spear caught fire, but the Zombie Commander did nothing to put it out, it just kept charging.

clang!!!! clang!!!!

The two weapons collide with each other several times.

But it was obvious who was at a disadvantage after each exchange.

Liu Yang felt both his hands go numb after each collision, to make matters worse, he also recoiled a little bit with each hit.

The strength displayed by the Zombie Commander was great, but it wasn't overly great.


After the last blow, he jumped back in an attempt to get away.

"This thing has at least thirty-five points in the strength attribute. If not for this suppression, I could easily defeat this thing. Fortunately, a warrior's biggest weakness is magic, I just need to find a way to take off my armor or helmet to defeat this thing." Liu Yang managed to estimate the opponent's power after the brief exchanges.

Name: Liu Yang(Suppressed)(Time Remaining: 25:51:14)

Level: 0

STR: 0 + 19

AGI: 0 + 19

VIT: 0 + 19

INT: 0 + 19

Liu Yang had nineteen points in each of the attributes, if not for the suppression, he would be thirty-eight.

Suppressing effects always halve the stat points gained, but the passive strengthening from defeating slimes was still maintained.

Seventeen points difference.

That was the same as about fifteen levels if two strength-type Hunters were compared. But the current situation was different.

Liu Yang had points in all attributes, while the Zombie Commander only had points in two attributes, STR and VIT.


The Zombie Commander didn't let its opponent catch his breath and charged with heavy but slow steps.

Liu Yang wouldn't be able to win in a head-on fight due to a lack of STR, so he had to fight another way.

Walking sideways, he preferred to stay away.



The scene was of a mage keeping his distance and attacking with magic.

The zombie was slow, so Liu Yang just needed to stay far enough away to land the attacks.

Unfortunately, all fireballs were destroyed by the mighty spear. Fortunately, it wasn't all bad, the flames on the spear increased as the fireballs were destroyed.

Before long, the smell of rotting and burning flesh could be felt on all sides.


The hands holding the spear dropped along with the weapon.

The Zombie Commander lost both hands.

The heat was enough to turn the insides of the gloves into a large oven and burn both hands.

Even without the weapons, it continued to attack with arms as if it still had both hands.

The Zombie Commander had no intelligence, so it just attacked using instincts.

Liu Yang took the moment to attack with spells again.

"Fireball!!! Fireball!!!! Fire…"

After using several spells, he couldn't use it anymore.

The magical energies have run out.

"I miscalculated… Being suppressed is really a very bad thing…"

clang!!! clang!!!

The sword hit several parts of the armor but failed to break.

"..." Thinking of another alternative, Liu Yang used the sword to remove the helmet.


The blade penetrated one of the eye holes before being lifted.

The Zombie Commander's face has been revealed.

The appearance of poor meat with bones showing and parts of the brain can be seen.

Liu Yang would not let this moment pass and cut off its head.

"!!!!!!!" But before he could do that, the sword cut to the other side.


"..." He was pushed back by a powerful blow, and his hands went numb again.