A humiliating job

The shock at Liu Yang's skills only lasted a second before they returned to normal.

The two assassins increase their charge speed because they think he was only able to destroy the spells due to their lack of intelligence attribute points.

So the magic was weaker. Even though it was their awakened magic.

But it wasn't true.

The power of the awakened skill or magic was increased not only by attributes but also by level.

The split would be thirty percent for attributes and seventy percent for levels.

Liu Yang stood there holding the sword with both hands, but his mind was focused on the two opponents.

whoosh!!!! whoosh!!!

slash!!!! slash!!!!!

clang!!! clang!!!!

Two of the four daggers cut at the same time, through the neck and chest, but were defended by Liu Yang.

The sword was positioned from top to bottom.

The sword's hilt was raised and the blade pointed downward.

"!!!!!!!!!!" The two assassins couldn't believe that in that short time, he managed to defend himself, but quickly, the other two daggers cut in the same places.

"Electric Discharge"

zzzzzz… zzzzzzzz… zzzzzz…

Golden rays circulate through his body like snakes to attack targets from all sides.

stomp!!! stomp!!!

"..." Sensing the danger, the two jump back.

Lightning stops because the skill has been canceled.

Liu Yang was not crazy to damage the tree because it was the same as suicide.

"..." The two assassins felt that something was wrong, but did not understand why.

poff… poff…

Shadows cover their bodies before they disappear into the darkness.

This was the skill called Shadow Steps, a concealment skill.

As assassins, they had some such techniques.

Liu Yang kept his guard up as he looked around in an attempt to figure out where the two would attack.

It was not possible to sense the killing intent on the other side, so he could only rely on survival instincts.


The silent room was only disturbed by the sound of the cold winds blowing through the Zombie World.



The cut almost missed his neck but was deflected at the last moment.

A line of blood slowly trickled down.

Liu Yang was cut.

"..." The assassin didn't like the result because he thought he could decapitate Liu Yang.

Wasting no time, he disappeared again into the darkness.

The cut was shallow, but enough for the venom to penetrate the skin before entering the blood.

"..." Liu Yang didn't need to think about the wound, his body was already a little numb.

The paralyzing poison was potent, but not deadly.

slash!!! slash!!! clang!!!

Two more attacks followed, but only one hit the arm, the other was blocked.

"..." The two assassins in the darkness had shocked expressions because Liu Yang could still move. They know the power of the poison itself.

Just one drop was enough to paralyze the body of a level 10 Hunter. But for someone of level 0, that would be enough.

Then they remembered that Liu Yang had some extra stats received by Awakening.

The higher the skill rank, the higher the points.

The information about the S, SS, and SSS rank points was something everyone knew because it was released, but the Unknown rank was not.

So they could only estimate, but it's higher than they thought.

Unfortunately, no one knew that Liu Yang was getting stronger without leveling.

That secret was something he would never let anyone else know.


Liu Yang was already on his knees unable to move.

The first cut partially paralyzed his body, but the second was totally paralyzed.

"..." Trying to move the sword, he couldn't.

The body fell to the ground after a few seconds but was still trying to make movements.

Both arms were moved forward.

Two shadows appear soon after, but they've stayed two meters away to wait for the paralyzing poison to finish its job.

A minute later…

"The poison has finally finished working. Let's get this over with and get the head to the customer." One of them finally spoke up.

The voice was husky, but it sounded young. Because of the black cloak, their appearance cannot be seen.

"I don't feel any sort of glory in killing this guy. He's only level 0. That's more of a humiliation than pride." The other commented.

"It is true. Even having the rarest skill in the world, killing a level 0 is somewhat humiliating. Even though he has some extra stat points and is stronger than someone at level 5 or 10, it is not necessary to send someone at level 35 to deal with him. We, assassins, have our pride too."

"I think we should talk to the boss and ask him to teach the client a lesson. He hurt the honor and pride of the Skull Basher Guild by making this request."

The duo walked towards Liu Yang with a sword in hand, they wanted to finish the job and leave because it was such a heartbreak to kill someone at level 0.

Anyone could do it, but customers called an assassin's guild. Not everyone kills for money, some want fame and recognition.

Thus, they were offended by doing this work.

Wasting no more time, the sword descended like a guillotine.

crack!!!! crack!!!! crack!!!! crack!!!!