
"Boy, don't think anything bad about us, because it was just a job. Even though it's humiliating for us, it's still orders given by the boss. Then you die by your bad luck" One of them commented.

The sword cut downwards, but before it could reach Liu Yang's neck, something surprising happened.

crack!!!! crack!!!! crack!!!! crack!!!!

"ARGGG!!!!!!" The two scream in pain as their legs are gripped too tightly until the bone is broken.

At the same instant, a crack opened on the floor and something came out.

An Earth Spike.

The stone spear came out with great speed and power, piercing the middle of their bodies to the top.

The scene was grotesque.

The two were impaled in midair by Earth Spike.

But the expression on their faces was one of shock and doubt because they didn't understand what had happened.

How could Liu Yang still move after being paralyzed by the poison? The only answer was that he wasn't totally paralyzed and just pretended.

Poison effects depend on Hunters' VIT attribute points.

Mostly, the number of points in this attribute was not much, only the so-called Tanks had a fair amount above the others.

However, it was still necessary to put the points in STR and AGI, otherwise, there would be no strength to carry the equipment and speed to run.

Thus, not even the Tanks had so many points in the VIT attribute.

Liu Yang was different, he had so many points in each attribute that it was insane.

Hunters of the same level were weaker than he was.

After the death of the two assassins, hot energy entered him to strengthen his body more, the strengthening was much greater than before. Two new skills were also learned.

The level of the two was higher than the ones he killed in the alley.

(This is amazing!!! As long as I kill enough people, I can become the most powerful in the world, but I can't do that. Katharin and Xinyue will be sad if I start killing indiscriminately) Liu Yang never would do something cruel like that.

But he would still kill those who tried to kill him.

"This poison is strong against those who don't have VIT points, but it's useless against me." He muttered.

"Fireball" The two bodies were burned until only a leather bag remained.

Inside was money, equipment, and some random items. Nothing unusual or valuable.

After taking everything, he left the building to return to the camp, but because of his injuries, the guards thought it was caused by zombies.

So Liu Yang was thrown into the glass tube again to wait.

As nothing happened after six hours, he was allowed to return.

The next day…

Sunday was supposed to be another day of exploring the Zombie World, but some unwanted visitors are really annoying.

The intercom rang and on the other side was the guard who was at the entrance to the condominium.

Only authorized persons can enter.

Liu Yang heard that some of his relatives wanted to visit. Naturally, he refused, as he already knows who these relatives are.

At the entrance of the building, a small family was waiting, but their faces had an irritated expressions because they couldn't enter.

The man and woman had middle-aged appearances dressed in business and casual clothes. The young man who was with the couple looked to be about twenty-five, but he wore leather clothes with a bow on the back.

Their gazes toward the two buildings were of envy and jealousy, but they hid it after seeing who was arriving.

"Nephew Liu Yang, it's really good to see you again. Won't you show your hospitality?" The middle-aged man spoke in a casual tone.

Looking at Liu Yang and seeing that he hasn't changed at all in the last year, a glint of disdain appeared in his eyes, but it was quickly hidden, which was noticed by Liu Yang.

"I'm busy, just say what you want" He didn't have a good impression of this family.

Even though they were relatives, they were worse than enemies.

"Liu Yang, is that a way of talking about elders?" The woman didn't like that. She was older and wanted respect.

"I don't want to waste time with you. Just say what you want." He didn't even change the way he spoke because he didn't like these people.

"Liu Yang, we're here to ask if you have any money left to lend to us. It's just that our business isn't doing very well…" He couldn't even finish speaking before he was interrupted.

"I have no money. Go ask for a bank." Liu Yang used his hands to make gestures of moving away. He already knew the reason for their coming.

The trio only appeared before him to ask for money.

"Nephew Liu Yang, don't act like that. We are a family, right? I took care of you for three years after your parents passed away…. !!!!!!!" He tried to argue, but when he felt the cold, murderous gaze on the other side, he stopped.

"Don't dare talk about my parents. They are not people you can talk to as you want. Besides, you've already received a few million dollars, right? For lend me out as a guinea pig in government experiments." Liu Yang didn't have any good feelings for these people.

If it weren't for them taking care of him for three years, he wouldn't even waste time with these people.