Lei Hong, the Bull General

Blood red painted the surface of the water as many Hunters began to be killed along with the sea creatures.

The two sides massacre each other without any mercy.

Liu Yang just swam all over the place to absorb the energies while slashing with the sword and using magic to defeat the creatures. He had to hold back to avoid suspicion.

Then after three or four spells, he would go back to the surface or hide in the taller buildings, which weren't flooded, to rest before going back to the water again.

Couldn't blame Liu Yang for doing this, he was just level 0 with extra stats. Without these attributes, he wouldn't even have been summoned to fight the sea creatures.



In the deepest areas of the flooded city, there was a deadly clash between the Hunters and the Thunder-Destroyer Eel.

The battle was being close to the portal.

Hunters used masks or some kind of magic to help them breathe in the water. Otherwise, they wouldn't stand a chance against the Thunder-Destroyer Eel.

All wore armor that increased resistance to electrical attacks.

Tanks hold off aggro while mages and archers attack from long range.


The lightning around the Thunder-Destroyer Eel explodes from all sides destroying the surrounding areas.

Magic barriers are activated to avoid heavy damage.


The Thunder-Destroyer Eel used another ability, but a strong light covered its entire giant body. It was like a very strong lamp, everyone had to cover their eyes with their hands.

In that tiny moment…



A few screams of pain echo through the tanks.

When the light ended, everyone could open their eyes and see what was happening.

The Thunder-Destroyer Eel bit and chewed on the bodies of some tanks when they were hampered by the bright light. Not even the equipment could protect the bodies from sharp teeth.


"YOU DARE!!!!!!" A scream of rage echoed through the entire area as very powerful energy covered everyone.

Looking toward the scream, it was possible to see a middle-aged man wearing a golden armor set in the shape of a bull. It was not possible to see his face because of the helmet, only his big, muscular body.

"General Lei!!!!!" A Hunter from the same guild shouted excitedly at the sight of him.

His full name was Lei Hong, one of the most powerful Hunters in a guild called Heavenly Beasts.

This guild was considered one of the most powerful in China and the world.

In the rank of general, there were twelve spots, each one representing the twelve Chinese zodiacs. But not all spots were filled due to the lack of Hunters competent enough to take over the spot.

Below there were the commanders who were represented by fifty animals and then came the captains with the representation of one hundred animals. The others below were just ordinary or above average members who could rise to the highest ranks after various tests and challenges.

Lei Hong roared fiercely and the bull-shaped armor flashed.


PANG!!! CRACK!!!!!


The punch was strong enough to break the hard scales lining the Thunder-Destroyer Eel's body, its roar of pain echoed from all sides.

Many sea creatures surround Lei Hong and attack fiercely.

"Piece of trash. Destroying Wave" He spoke coldly before a wave of explosive energy shot out of his body.


All the creatures around were turned into charred barbecue until they were devoured by the other sea creatures.

" Incredible!!!!!!!"

"Is this the true power of one of the twelve golden generals???"

"This is insane!!!!"

"Is this the power of someone who has awakened an S rank skill?"

Many excited and surprised screams echo from all around.

The power displayed by Lei Hong surprised everyone.

"Damn creature!!!! Now is the time for you to perish!!! Destructive Horn!!!" Lei Hong screamed fiercely from under the golden helmet.

The fist glowed with brown light. It was like a meteor flying towards the Thunder-Destroyer Eel.


The creature did not stand still and attacked with its most powerful attack.

The lightning around its body converged on the trident-shaped horn before shooting the blue bolt.



The collision resulted in a powerful wave of energy that swept from all sides.

Everything around it was destroyed and sent away. Buildings, the street.

Weaker Hunters collide with walls or send into the mouths of sea creatures.

The dust cloud took a few seconds to settle, but the scenery revealed was shocking.

A large crater appeared at the collision site.

Lei Hong remained standing, but one of the golden armor gloves was broken and other parts cracked. As the Thunder-Destroyer Eel writhed on the ground, some sounds and groans of pain came out of its mouth.

"General Lei did it!!!!!!"

"He is truly worthy of being one of the twelve golden generals!!!!"

ssssss… sssssssss…. ssssss…
