World-Devouring Eel

A low, barely audible sound echoed throughout the region.

Only those who were paying attention could hear, while the others were busy shouting praise to Lei Hong.

The low sound contained great hatred and murderous intent.

Looking toward the location of the sound, everyone could see a big eye on the other side of the portal.

That giant eye coldly glared at Lei Hong as if it wanted to kill and devour him.

"!!!!!!!!!!" Even the most inattentive could see that something was wrong and looked towards the portal.

On the other side was a creature so large that a single eye was enough to completely cover the portal.

"WHAT IS THAT THING???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Someone screamed in desperation because they had never seen such a big being yet.

Just the eye was enough to describe how big the creature could be.

If the creature passed over to that side, what could happen? Nobody knew.

At the same moment the eye was seen, the biggest guilds were already reporting to their bases and the government members were doing the same.

The entire world was shocked by the appearance of this new unknown creature.


The fierce and very loud roar echoed from the other side of the portal before a big mouth came out to bite Lei Hong.

"Damned creature!!! Destructive Horn!!!" He punched forward with all his strength.




The scream of pain startled everyone because the creature was not only uninjured but also bit and ripped off the arm along with the golden glove.

Lei Hong suffered a huge loss in the first exchange against the unknown creature.

"What is this thing??!!!!"

"How can this be so powerful??!!!!"

"What kind of creature is this??!!!"

The Hunters watching the scene scream in shock and anxiety.

Lei Hong's power was highly known in the world, but he still lost an arm so easily. That alone was enough to show the creature's power.

Fortunately, the creature appears to be so large that it cannot even pass through the portal. Otherwise, the world would be in great danger.


A large claw with three sharp fingers passed through the portal towards the Thunder-Destroyer Eel.

The creature was grabbed and pulled inside before the giant creature swam off somewhere else.

"..." No one dared to make noise for fear that they might attract the unknown giant creature again.

The other side of the portal was still a big mystery because no Hunter stayed there longer to explore.

So the number of sea creatures in that world was still very large.

The dangers were great and not worth the risk.

The biggest proof was the sudden appearance of the unknown monstrous sea creature.

Just the scene of Lei Hong losing his arm was enough to strike fear into ninety-nine percent of the Hunters.

Losing their leader, the sea creatures were like an army with no command going around. So they began to be killed slowly until the rest ran away and went into hiding.

The spoils of battle were gathered until there was nothing left.

Liu Yang was inside a tall building looking at the portal, but his mind was chaotic and his heart was beating very hard and fast.

When the monstrous creature appeared in the portal, the system changed the quest.

The target was no longer the Thunder-Destroyer Eel, but the World-Devouring Eel.

The new creature was several dozen or even hundreds of times more powerful than the previous one.

Liu Yang couldn't even think about approaching this creature, otherwise, he would be killed with just one breath.

The power difference was too great.

Information about the twelve golden generals was widely circulated in the world, thus, he believed that a creature capable of ripping off Lei Hong's arm as if it were just a piece of flesh would not be weak, or powerful enough to kill any of them.

So Liu Yang didn't even dare to think about completing the quest.

As there was no time for completion, he would only fail the quest if someone else defeats the World-Devouring Eel first.

The quest can be postponed to some other more opportune time.

The most important thing now was something else.

Liu Yang looked at the wall in an attempt to locate something.

His dark eyes look everywhere.

Until he finally finds a pair of white eyes staring in his direction.

The owner of the look was a young woman with long brown hair tied in a braid, but it was so long that it came down to her feet. Her appearance could be considered ordinary, but what stands out the most are the two white eyes.

It was as if the young woman was blind, but Liu Yang could feel the young woman looking at him as if he were naked.

This was the effect of an ability that the young woman possesses.

Despite being blind, she sees as if she has no vision problems.