Bai Huang, the Snake General

News about recent events in China has become the trend all over the world.

The apparition of a monstrous creature with unknown powers easily ripped off the arm of one of the twelve golden generals of the Heavenly Beast Guild. That alone was enough to reveal a lot of important information about the creature.

The world needed to act faster to prevent some disaster from actually happening when a much more powerful creature invaded the world.

The monstrous sea creature was just a demonstration of what was still in the unknown and dangerous worlds.

A great competition for resources and locations to level has been raised.

The most powerful guilds, Hunters from the governments, and associations of each country encourage everyone to get stronger as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, only the most powerful had a better chance. The weakest could only level in low-level places or in very dangerous places where not even the most powerful dare to venture.

In the next few days, Liu Yang didn't go to any world or fight, he just did physical exercises to test how strong his body was after absorbing so much energy and completing yet another special quest.

The days of peace were very good, but they didn't last long.

ding… dong…

The doorbell rang.

It was not even necessary to see or ask who the person on the other side of the door was, Liu Yang was already aware that this would happen.

The door was opened and the other side was revealed.

The long-haired, white-eyed young woman from before. She was accompanied by a group of Hunters dressed in black clothes and sunglasses, they looked like mobsters by their actions.

"You can stay here. I'll talk to him privately." Her casual, carefree tone made the group anxious.

Their job was to prevent the young girl from taking any harm, so leaving her alone with someone unknown, even though he was level 0, was still a very bad thing for them.

The group knew who Liu Yang was just by looking at him.

"Young miss, we can't do this. The guild head gave us orders to protect you" One of them tried to justify.

"I can protect myself. He's just someone level 0 and I'm level 194. How am I going to get hurt?" She snapped back with an angry tone at being questioned.

"Young miss, we know that, but it's still a little dangerous. Someone could attack the building while we're here."

"You can stay outside to protect the house, just stop anyone from getting close. I need to talk to him alone." She didn't give them time to react again and closed the door.

The group could only sigh and get into position to secure the house.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" she asked as if she was still outside.

"Follow me" Liu Yang didn't cause any problems because he also had questions in his mind about what happened a few days ago.

The pair sat facing each other, in the middle, there was a table with snacks and drinks.

"Liu Yang, the only Hunter in the world to have the Unknown rank skill, Level Lock. It is a great honor to meet you in person." She didn't speak her name because it wasn't necessary.

"I'm glad Miss Bai knows about me, it's a great honor. So what's the reason for your visit? The twelve golden generals are pretty busy trying to level up, right? Miss Bai would really take the time to come to a humble person like me. I'm flattered." Liu Yang had only a vague idea as to why she had shown up at his house.

Now and then, his gaze was fixed on a necklace with a gold snake-shaped piece around her neck.

Her name was Bai Huang, but also known as one of the twelve golden generals, the Snake General.

"Liu Yang, I'll get straight to the point. I would like to know if you want to become one of the twelve golden generals. The mouse, dragon, and goat positions are still vacant. I think you might have the requirements to be at least one of them"

"!!!!!!" Of all the thoughts he had, Liu Yang never thought that Bai Huang had come to say this.

His thoughts were very different from reality.

"Miss Bai, why do you think I have qualifications to be one of the twelve golden generals? I'm just a 0-level person with a few extra points in my stats, no big deal." He needed to calm down a bit before speaking.

The shock was too great.

"Liu Yang, I don't know if this is some Level Lock effect or something else, but nothing can be hidden from my eyes. My SS rank ability, Truth Sight, allows me to see things that an ordinary person cannot." Bai Huang stared at Liu Yang with her two blank white eyes.