The Trinity

Truth Sight (Passive) - This allows the user to see what cannot be seen by normal eyes.

The skill was considered very valuable in many situations.

Liu Yang knew about Bai Huang because of her status and the news that was always on television, but he didn't know anything about her awakened ability because it wasn't publicized.

To be part of the Heavenly Beasts Guild as a golden general, she had to have at least an S rank awakened skill. So it was one of the few pieces of information he knew about her.

"..." Liu Yang couldn't comment on her words because his mind had various kinds of thoughts about what Bai Huang could see when looking at him that day.

"Miss Bai, so you're looking for a deal? In exchange for not saying anything, do you want me to join the same guild as you as one of the golden generals?"

"No. Liu Yang, you are mistaken. I don't want a deal, it's not a request either. I just want you to think about it. It's not just for the guild, but also our country. You must know about the Trinity, right?" Bai Huang had no intention of pushing or anything, she just wants Liu Yang to think about it.

The current Liu Yang was too weak to be part of the twelve golden generals, so there was no need to make such a request, but it would be something different after a few years.

The Vision of Truth allows her to see things that no one else can. So she could see some information from Liu Yang, but it was just the name and the awakened skill.

Attributes and levels can only be seen after leveling up, but as he would never level, so it was impossible to fully see Liu Yang's information.

No matter how powerful Bai Huang was, she would never see anything other than these two pieces of information. Not just her, but anyone with similar skills.

The reason she went to talk to him was about what was seen during the fight in the flooded city.

What she does know is that some energy lines from dead people go into his body and are absorbed. But what effects it had, she didn't know and could only guess.

"If my memory is not wrong, the so-called Trinity are the three largest guilds in China, right? The Heavenly Beasts, the Guardians of the Trigram, and the Temple of the Nine."

"Yes. These three guilds make up the Trinity but are seen as one along with the government and the Hunters Association, where there is the second Trinity. Liu Yang, you need to know that competition is not only between guilds within our country but also against other countries."

"I understand that, but I would not like to participate in this political game because it is exhausting and not worth it. It's very stressful having to deal with others." Liu Yang no longer liked having to talk and listen to a lot of things.

The experiences he had as a test subject in the labs were bad enough for him. Listening to the scientists and the military talking was always something that was still in his memories.

"Liu Yang, this is just something common in the Hunter world. Whenever someone stands out, eventually that person will have to deal with the other people in the higher hierarchies."

"Miss Bai, is your real reason why you said this to me because of the Temple of Zodiacs? I remember that Heavenly Beasts Guild has a big rivalry with a certain guild called Temple of Zodiacs, which is in Europe. They managed to find ten of the twelve Hunters to be the main members. While your guild has only nine."

"This is also related, but the guild's internal affairs are internal guild affairs and have nothing to do with dealing with Hunters from other countries, even though it is very related"

Like the Heavenly Beasts Guild, the Temple of the Zodiacs had twelve Hunters representing the twelve zodiacs, the division was also very similar, as they had gold, silver, bronze, and iron zodiac knights, but the number was smaller. Twelve, twenty-four, forty-eight, ninety-six.

"Miss Bai, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept becoming a member of your guild. I already have too many problems to deal with and more problems will be a big headache." Liu Yang rejected her proposal.

"Alright, I understand that. Liu Yang, I will have to end the conversation here, but I hope you will think seriously about this matter because it is very important not only for the guild but also for our country. So I apologize for the inconvenience"