Quan Xue

School days returned to normal, but the tense mood could be felt in the classroom.

The sudden appearance of the unknown monstrous sea creature brought great anxiety and fear into everyone's minds.

One of the golden generals of the Heavenly Beast Guild was defeated easily, how strong is this creature? Nobody dared to think about it.

If this creature made it through the portal, it was not just the city that would be in great danger, but also the country or even the world.

Thus, everyone felt apprehension about the matter.

Liu Yang was one of the few who remained calm because there was no need to be anxious or feel some other negative emotion.

"Hey Liu Yang, what's your opinion on this monstrous creature that appeared at the lake portal?" Lan Zhu stopped eating to ask questions.

Her appearance didn't look as beautiful as before because of the dark circles under her eyes, pale face, and slightly thinner body than before. She looked depressed and despondent.

Since the day she saw that gruesome scene, she couldn't sleep.

The giant eye was that of a ferocious predator ready to devour prey. That vision was constantly haunting her dreams every night.

As one of the Hunters who got too close to the portal and saw the creature's eye, she wanted his opinion.

"This thing might be able to destroy entire countries and no one might be able to stop it" Liu Yang spoke his honest thoughts on the matter. He was good at being able to estimate someone's power just by looking at the energies emanating during a fight.

But the monstrous sea creature on the other side of the portal was far beyond anything he had seen before.

Not even the most powerful Hunters he had ever seen could compare to this creature.

Thus, he also felt some anxiety when he saw the mission to defeat this creature.

"..." Lan Zhu did not retort his words because she also had similar thoughts.

The twelve golden generals were like the apex of Hunters in China, but one of them was easily defeated by the creature. This was a big blow to the morale of the country's citizens.

The worst thing was that the rival countries were laughing about this doom, but they also had anxiety and fear about a possible creature with similar powers in the portals hidden in their territories.

If a monstrous creature with the same power also appears in their countries, they won't know what to do to deal with it either

. "Liu Yang, what do you think Hunters need to do to try to match this creature's power? Just normal leveling is not possible because the amount of creatures is limited and not everyone will be able to level up" Lan Zhu doesn't need to ask these questions because the answers were obvious, but she wanted to distract herself so she wouldn't be thinking about the monstrous sea creature that was tormenting her.

It wasn't just Lan Zhu who was in this kind of situation, but many others as well. Mostly common people and weaker Hunters.

Just the thought that they are just an ant facing such a powerful creature makes them feel doomed to die.

"I don't know. In the face of absolute power, nothing will help. Humanity can use whatever it wants, but nothing will work against those who have absolute power above all others." Those words were learned when he read some cultivation stories.

Whether in the real or imaginary world, some things remain the same.

On leaving the school…

The crowd of students looked and shouted at a young man leaning against a luxurious black car, mostly girls.

His beautiful and charming appearance caught the attention of most of the pure-hearted young high school maidens. He wore a black suit and sunglasses, his hair was slicked back and his arrogant aura made him the type of man much desired by women.

The young man's identity was something anyone would know just by looking.

On his chest was a silver chameleon-shaped emblem, but the sides had some claw marks. That was the symbol of the Heavenly Beasts Guild.

The young man was one of the fifty silver commanders.

To have achieved this rank at such a young age, he is quite powerful.

"Mr. Quan, could you give me an autograph??!!!"

"Big Quan Xue, I'm a big fan of yours, could you take a picture with me??!!!"

The girls' screams were loud, but they didn't attract the young man's attention, he just stared at the entrance to the school as if he was looking for a person.

His cold and nonchalant attitude to the screams only made the girls go crazier with their screams.

Not long after, Liu Yang walked out of the school gates.

Quan Xue finally moved.

The girls cleared the way for him to pass because they wanted to see what he was going to do.

"Is he heading towards Liu Yang??!!!"

"When did he offend someone from the Heavenly Beast Guild??!!!"

"This guy is very unlucky!!"