
"Liu Yang, I will repeat again. Hand over the Hunter Drive and we'll give you a quick and painless death." He repeated the words again.

The death of the person from before didn't even affect him because they weren't from the same group or country.

The goal of many of them was the Hunter Drive, but they also wanted revenge because Liu Yang killed and caused the death of many Hunters, who belong to their groups.

So it was impossible to leave him alive.

"So it makes no difference whether to deliver or not. I just have to kill you all to get out of here" Liu Yang prepared to attack.

The other side was there to kill him, so there would be no hesitation.

"Liu Yang, do you really think I'm one of the twelve knights of the zodiac just for fun? This is the first time that I, Jacques Barrie, the Knight of the Taurus Zodiac, have heard anything as smug as your words. Let's see if you can still keep that nonchalant look on your face" Jacques spoke arrogantly.

The power of his armor exploded and spread everywhere.


The shadow of a bull five-meter-tall golden man appeared behind him.

"Jacques, do you need help?" The middle-aged man on the side asked casually, but he felt the pressure emanating from the bull's power.

Only when the situation was dangerous did he release so much power.

"No. I want to deal with this guy alone. I'll shut him up." "Dignity and arrogance as one of the twelve knights were no joke.

Only the strongest were entitled to wear one of the twelve armors and receive power.

If Jacques accepted help in defeating a level 0 Hunter, that would be a huge blow to his pride.

Something like that, he would not accept.

"Come on" Liu Yang waved his hand as if teasing the other side.


The golden bull roared fiercely as Jacques' anger reached its limit.

The action on the other side was a huge provocation.


The heavy footsteps on the soft sand sank a little, but it didn't stop him from running at great speed

The way he ran was like a bull charging towards the target to attack with its horns.

"Unstoppable Force!!!!" The large body flew towards Liu Yang like an unstoppable heavy tank.

The right shoulder was turned towards Liu Yang as if it were a horn prepared to strike the target.

"..." Liu Yang closed his eyes to take a deep breath.

Both hands firmly grip the sword hilt.

Both arms lift up to the top of the head, and both eyes are open, but a serious look could be seen.

"Sovereign's Cut" The two words slowly came out of his mouth as both arms were down as the blade cut downward with great power.


When the blade completely descended, a five-meter-tall energy blade thick as the trunk of a large tree was formed and shot towards Jacques, who charged at great speed due to the Unstoppable Force skill.

"..." Jacques felt great power coming from the energy blade, but he didn't stop the charge and continued flying toward Liu Yang.

The Hunters were watching to see the result of the first skill switch, some of them were even filming for the others to see.


The collision between the two skills resulted in a massive explosion.

A lot of dust rose and completely covered the area of ​​the fight between the two.

Jacques' shadow could be seen within the dust continuing its charge toward Liu Yang.

The Unstoppable Force skill was not stopped, but it was slowed.

Liu Yang clenched his fists very tightly before punching forward.


CRACK!!!!! CRACK!!!!!!

"ARG…" A pained sound came out of his mouth after the bones were broken when colliding with the golden armor.


The icy wind blew the dust away, revealing the current scene.

Liu Yang and Jacques were five meters away from each other, but one of them was injured.

The winner of the first exchange was Jacques.

"An ordinary Hunter really cannot compare to one of the twelve zodiacs!!!"

"That armor is really powerful!!!!"

The comments about Jacques' advantage echoes among the more inattentive, but the other two more powerful Hunters had different looks.

The pair managed to see what happened inside the cloud of sand. Their gazes were serious when they thought about the true power of Liu Yang.

The Unstoppable Force skill had the word unstoppable in the name because it was nearly impossible to stop the skill or slow it down. The power of the charge was very great.

Only a very close or greater power was able to reduce the charge speed.

Thus, the Sovereign's Cut skill used by Liu Yang had a power close to that of Unstoppable Force. Which was a very shocking thing to see.

Liu Yang wasn't wearing any special equipment other than the sword, but the power of his skill matched the power of one of the zodiac knights using the power of the armor.

This proves that he was powerful enough to fight one without needing powerful equipment. But what would happen if he used Hunter Drive?

"The defensive power of the bull is truly worthy of fame." Liu Yang looked at the blood-covered fist but put it aside because it was already regenerating at great speed.

The skin and bones healed quickly.

"Without a powerful enough weapon, I won't be able to break your armor, so I'll have to make my next move. Henshin!!!!!" He saved the sword to use the other dagger-shaped sword.

"..." The Hunter Drive soundtrack began to play before the armor emerged to cover Liu Yang's entire body.

The shape was still the same as before.

"..." The other Hunters finally moved because they could no longer let Jacques fight alone.

The pressure released by Liu Yang after using the Hunter Drive has reached a frightening level. They even had difficulty breathing around him.

"Now, it's my turn to attack"


PANG!!!!!!!! PANG!!!!!!

Just one step was enough to get closer to Jacques, the speed was so high that no one could keep up with Liu Yang's movement.

A series of heavy punches hit the golden bull armor, but there was no crack.

However, Jacques felt as if his body was being hit by heavy sledgehammers.

The bones are cracking and nearly breaking.


The armor couldn't take it anymore and it finally started to crack.

"!!!!!!!!" This scene scared everyone because the bull's biggest feature was defense, but the armor wasn't holding the power of punches.

How strong is the punch?

With no time to think, the two Hunters play to their trump cards.
