
The two Hunters scream at the same time.

The American touched his belt buckle, shaped like a circle with stripes and a blue line on the sides.

The Japanese man took a key from his belt before inserting it into the lock that replaced the buckle.

A strong light shone covering them before metal armor covered their bodies.

The first's armor was made of blue metal with white stripes, but the helmet looked like that of some prehistoric animal. While the second had half snake and half pistol armor.

The auras of the two increased by several times after the transformation.

The 3x1 battle was being broadcast not just to their groups, but to the entire world.

Both sides had their own transformations, but each had different powers.

Liu Yang had the Hunter Drive, the power of which was still totally unknown, but the previous show of strength already gave some clues as to how strong he could be after the transformation.

So none of them dared to underestimate him.

"You should stay as far away as possible so you don't get hurt. This fight is not for you" One of them commented to the other Hunters around.

Only the pressure and energy emanating from the bodies of the four revealed that the fight would be something out of this world.

"..." None of them needed to comment because it wasn't necessary. Each of them felt the difference in power from one another. So they moved away as far away as possible, but it was still enough to get on with filming.

"What happened to your armor???!!" The question was asked suddenly.

Looking at the golden bull armor, it was still broken, there was no sign of repair.

The twelve zodiac armors had a special effect of absorbing the user's energies to self-repair, but this was not the case.

Something happened to stop the armor from repairing itself.

"I don't know. I can't repair the armor no matter what I try. This must be something related to Hunter Drive. The power of his punch was so strong that even Diamond Defense couldn't take it." Jacques spoke with a serious tone, but internally, he became very anxious because he feared that the armor could not be repaired.

The power he received from the armor was too great and he didn't want to lose that power.

The Diamond Skin skill was his awakened skill, an S rank skill. This skill increases the defensive power of the armor until it becomes as hard as a diamond, but Liu Yang's many punches still manage to crack and break.

That alone was proof of his current power.

"Is it the effect of the Hunter Drive??!!!" The three Hunters mutter at the same time.

The word Hunter in the name could mean many things, but to Liu Yang, it meant just one thing.

When he broke the golden bull armor part, the voice of the Hunter Drive system echoed in his mind along with a lot of information about the system saying that he should get the golden bull armor core to power the Hunter Drive.

The Hunter Drive's final form would only be revealed when all the cores were devoured, but it wasn't just the twelve armors of the zodiac knights, but the golden generals as well.

According to the information received in his mind, the twelve armors of the two groups came from the same item.

Information on this matter was hidden from normal people, but big shots know about it.

About twenty or thirty years ago, a great portal appeared in the space between the earth and the moon.

The portal was so big that it partially covered the moon, but the worst thing was what came out of it.

A meteor.

A gigantic rock descended towards the earth at great speed.

Scientists said the meteor would land somewhere between Central Asia and Russia.

If the meteor were not blocked, any area of ​​that region or even the two continents would disappear upon impact.

Thus, a group of more powerful Hunters was assembled to try to stop the meteor, or reduce the power of the impact.

All countries use all possible methods, but it didn't work.

Until some Hunters decided to sacrifice their lives to destroy the meteor.

The meteor was not destroyed but split into two pieces as it approached the atmosphere. The smallest piece fell in China and the largest piece fell in Europe.

After a more detailed analysis of the giant rock, scientists found that it contained a large amount of energy.

From this, Chinese scientists forged twelve armors, each representing a Chinese zodiac. While Europeans made thirteen armors, each representing the twelve and thirteenth zodiac.

However, after the armor was forged, some remnants of the meteor were left over, which were acquired by the US and UK.

During transport, part of the remains was stolen, but never found.

Somehow, Doctor Yamada Matsuo managed to find these remnants for his studies in the development of the new Rider, the Hunter Drive.

Nobody knew the origin of this project or what it was based on, Doctor Yamada Matsuo only said that he would be superior to any known Rider.

Thus came the Hunter Drive, the Rider capable of hunting the twenty-five Hunters who wear the armor forged from the meteor.

This was the information Liu Yang received after "devouring" part of the bull armor.

"We have to get this over with quickly and get Hunter Drive before he can get any stronger. If he runs away from here, we won't have another chance to capture him."

Liu Yang had almost no friends or close people apart from Katharin, Xinyue, some scientists, and military in various countries, but if they were captured to be used as a hostage, Liu Yang could hide to get stronger and come back for revenge later.

Currently, his power rivaled the most powerful Hunters in the world. What would happen if he had more time to get stronger? Nobody dared to think about it.

"TRANSFORM!!!!!" The STARS member shouted from under the mask. He activated his ability.

Dinosaur-shaped armor glowed before transforming into a ten-foot-tall mechanical dinosaur. The appearance was like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

The Transform skill was combined with his armor so that a new transformation took place.

"IGNITION!!!!!" Rider did the same.

Intense flames explode from all sides.

The half of the armor with various weapons glows brightly and flames come out of the pipes.

"Golden Horn!!!" Jacques followed the two and made his move.


The golden bull's shadow roared fiercely before it completely merged with the golden armor.

The scene was as if the two had become just one person.

"..." Liu Yang didn't just watch the other side get ready, he also made his move.

"It's hunting time" He spoke slowly.