Powerful enough to be invincible

"Liu Yang, are you going to Europe to visit Sister Xinyue?" Katharin asked in an ecstatic tone.

The duo had some hot and passionate moments a few moments ago.

"Yea. After that, I will pay a visit to the grave of Mr. Jones and little Jones. I'll tell them they don't have to worry about you, that you're safe."

"..." A sad look came over her face when the two names were mentioned.

The two hugged for a while because she was very sad about it.

"Liu Yang, thank you for that." Her voice was low, but she couldn't hide the sadness.

"Katharin, as I promised before, I will take care of you and Xinyue. I won't let anything bad happen to you, even if part of it hasn't been fulfilled." He was referring to them being kidnapped.

"It's alright. It's not like it could be avoided. Something in this world is being prepared for you, so you just need to follow the course of things."

Liu Yang told all about what happened to him after he killed an awakened person for the first time. Nothing was hidden.

Katharin was very shocked by the adventures he went through, but great fear rose in her heart.

Who was the person behind this? Why was the system doing this? Many unanswered questions were on her mind.

Unfortunately, there were no clues about it.

The only thing she knew was that Liu Yang had to keep evolving and getting stronger to find the answers.

"Katharin, can I leave now, or do I still need to stay a little longer?" Liu Yang was still tied to the bed by the tentacles, he couldn't even move.

Only Katharin made the moves.

"You'll be gone in a month. I want to make up for the lost time. I've been waiting for you for over two years, so I want compensation for that"

Liu Yang followed his journey across the European continent after leaving Central Asia.

Along the way, he encountered some members of the Zodiacs, some conflicts ensued and they were all killed by Liu Yang.

The relationship between the two sides was already horrible and there was no going back, so there was no need to hold back.

The deaths only increased the rift between the two sides.

Liu Yang has finally reached the border between the European continent and Central Asia.

Reporters show footage of him twenty-four hours a day wherever he passed. But they prefer to stay far enough away from being attacked by the local creatures.

On the other side, there were only four of the twelve knights of the Zodiac, there is no need for more than that. The other Hunters would just be tonics for Liu Yang to get stronger.

Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo, and Libra. These were the four envoys.

In ranking order, Leo was the strongest, followed by Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn.

The news about the possible hidden power of the Level Lock was spread all over the world.

Getting strong by absorbing the energy of the dead was an insane thing to hear, but it was the only plausible thing because of his actions during his travels.

The Zodiac Guild has taken this matter very seriously and they want revenge without leaving any chance for Liu Yang to escape.

The power of the four zodiacs was no joke.

If he dared to step into the territory, they would attack.

"Henshin" Looking at that large crowd, Liu Yang only had a casual, expressionless face.

Only one word came out of his mouth.

The Hunter Drive manifested and fully covered his body.

The six spears behind his back had a faint golden glow.

"..." The other side just watched it happen. They were already transformed and ready for combat.

STOMP!!!!!! BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!

No words were said, just the action was enough.

Stepping on the ground too hard, the ground breaks apart, forming a large hole beneath Liu Yang.


The body shot forward like a high-speed projectile.

"!!!!!!!!!!" The speed was so fast that it surprised even the four zodiacs.

In just the blink of an eye, Liu Yang was already before them like a ghost.

PANG!!!!!!!!!!!!! PANG!!!!!!!!!!!

CRACK!!!! CRACK!!!!!

Two quick and powerful punches hit on the chests of Libra and Scorpio.

"ARGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The two scream in great pain as it wasn't just the punch that hit them. The steel spears also hit.

When Liu Yang attacked, the spears moved up to his fists and attacked along with him. So the image was like a fist covered in thorns.

The spears ignore the defensive power of the armor and adding the defensive power received by the bull's power, the six spears have become one of the hardest and sharpest targets in the world.

The scream lasted only an instant before they lost their lives.

The spears pierce their hearts and suck all their blood.

"!!!!!!!!!!!" The other two zodiac knights recovered from the shock after the scream, but it was too late.

In less than a second after the start of the fight, two allies have already been killed. Besides to being humiliating, the feeling of terror and fear filled their hearts.

Not just these two, but Hunters all over the world.

Who thought a level 0 Hunter would reach this level in the short three years? Nobody.

If a person talked about it, he would be considered crazy.

"DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The two attack with all their might.

The swords glow brightly with overwhelming power and cut through the chest and neck.


"!!!!!!" The two use the strongest attacks but manage to only scratch the Hunter Drive. This scene shocked and frightened both knights.

Their spirits sank to the bottom of the well.

Their power can be considered very high, but the bull's defensive power completely neutralized them.

During a fight between the two within the guild, there was never a winner because one side only defended and the other attacked. None of them were hurt.

But the current situation was different, Liu Yang had offensive and defensive power at the same time. So it was very dangerous.

The armor's defensive power rose to a new level after absorbing the power of the bull.

Not only that but also the power of Libra and Scorpio.

The two armors disappear, revealing the two knights. A man and a woman, but their bodies were already dry and bloodless.

Liu Yang received their energy and grew a little stronger.


The power emanating from Hunter Drive grew stronger after absorbing both armors.

The golden aura spread throughout the armor and was sharper than before.

whoosh!!! whoosh!!!

crack!!! crack!!!

Two new steel spears emerge from the back of Liu Yang's armor. Now it was eight.

In that little moment of distraction, the two spears pierce the two other knights.

That alone wasn't enough for them to be killed, but the feeling of power being drained from them was something terrifying.

In a few moments, the body was tired and without energy.

The drain speed was too high.


In a few moments, the other spears pierce their bodies to drain the remaining energy and blood.

"Liu Yang, you will die a horrible death…" The Leo knight tried to speak but couldn't finish his sentence before falling dead to the ground.

"..." The entire world was silent upon seeing this scene.

In less than ten seconds after it started, the fight was over.

It was like a one-sided slaughter.

The power displayed by Liu Yang surpassed everyone's expectations.

Ignoring everyone around him, he walked through European territory towards the elves' area, where there was a great massacre between the two sides.