The creator

Where Liu Yang walked, everyone walked away out of fear. None of them dared to stand in his way.

Even the common people feared him.

The overwhelming power shown by him was so insane that fear rose in their hearts just by looking.

Liu Yang ignored those looks of fear and kept walking.

His objective was northern Europe.

The Hunter Drive helped a lot when it came to running, as the speed was so high that several kilometers were covered during the twenty minutes of wearing the armor.

The more energy from the meteor fragments was absorbed, the stronger the Hunter Drive became and the longer the usage time.

Twenty minutes wearing the armor was insane because of the power.

If in just one second it was possible to deal with two knights of the zodiac, what could he do in twenty minutes? That was something impossible to know.

Along the way, some Hunters blinded by hatred and rage tried to attack Liu Yang, but they were all killed without mercy.

Anyone who tries to kill him will be killed. That was the golden rule he learned from the military.

The idiots' deaths served to show that Liu Yang would have no mercy on those who tried to kill him.

So his journey was smoother, even though there were still some idiots trying to attack from afar or stealthily.

So, like the orcs, the elves were also being controlled by someone and enraged by the Standard of Fury.

The system missions were the same as before, so it was easy to complete, especially after the Hunter Drive absorbed the power of the four horsemen of the zodiac.

When Liu Yang approached the battlefield, the weaker and lacking in courage hunters retreated because he arrived.

Their fear was far greater than any creature.

Only the strongest dared to stand before him, even trembling because his power was too great and he dared to kill the zodiacs.

No elves were killed by him, only knocked out before he was thrown away.

Seeing this scene, the others had to stop killing because they might end up offending Liu Yang, as they already know why he is doing it.

Before long, only he was left in the middle of the battlefield with several tens of thousands of human and elf corpses.

Liu Yang broke the Standards of Fury across the land and freed the elves, but he didn't kill any of them.

Thus, he completed the quest but did not complete the other quests.

In the elven world, the same thing happened.

The quests asked him to slaughter the elven race, but he didn't.

Not even when he entered the world of orcs or mutated insects.

Xinyue was on top of a pyramid at the center of the world like the other two women.

The couple had time to have fun and talk about many things, even some of Xinyue's dark secrets, but it wasn't necessary because she was already free of the past.

The slave seal was removed after she transformed.

Xinyue's new body was elegant and pure like a fairy, but her intellectual and gentle aura still remained.

In the United Kingdom…


Liu Yang was in front of a grave, but there were two gravestones, one next to the other, but there were two names written, Reggie Jones, husband of Katharin Jones and father of Evan Jones. Evan Jones, Reggie Jones, and Katharin Jones's unborn son.

At that, he prayed for a few minutes before bowing and leaving.

These two graves were for Katharin's late husband and son.

Every year on the same day, she always came here to pray for them. Liu Yang and Xinyue came together sometimes.

In the last two or three years, she hasn't had the opportunity to come because of the things that have happened.

Liu Yang apologized for not being able to protect her and that some things happened, but she was already safe.

"!!!!!!!!" Suddenly, he looked up to the sky to see who was looking at him.

Unlike the usual looks, this one is very different from any kind of look he's ever felt.

Or rather, he felt those looks a long time ago.

"Who are you? Why are you watching me?" He spoke in a low voice towards the sky.

"..." There was no response.

The instant he prepared to turn around, something shocking happened.

Time has stopped.

Everything turned gray.

"..." The world has become one of those Zones.

"Haha!!!! It's interesting that you finally dared to say something." A casual voice echoed around the world.

The tone was totally different from before.

The voice was so loud that the whole world could hear it, but no one but Liu Yang heard it.

A distorted shadow was revealed. It was like that manager at the Pagoda of Illusions.

"Who are you? Are you the one who has been watching over me for so long?"

"Haha… Liu Yang, it's unexpected that you felt my gaze. How long are you feeling?" The shadow showed no change in expressions or changes.

"Long time. Since I was a kid I've been watching, right? Or when I awakened the hidden power of Level Lock?"

"The second. Before that happened, other people were watching you. But, unexpectedly, your senses have become so keen. I need to write this down"

"Who are you really?"

"What is your opinion of me?"

"..." Liu Yang needed some time to think, but only one word came to his mind.

"Creator. You are the creator of the system, the creatures, and this world"

"Bingo!!! You're right!!! At least you're not an idiot."

"What do you want from me? Why was I born with Level Lock? Or was it just a coincidence?"

"I cannot answer these questions. That's not part of your reward for discovering me. If you want to know more information about this world and the system, get strong enough to make the Log Cabin open. It is one of the worlds beyond the portals."

"How do I do this?"

"Just defeat the ten Colossus. They are the requirements for this, you will also earn some rewards for defeating each of them.


"My talk time is over. Until some other day. Goodbye"

The distorted shadow turned transparent before disappearing and the world returning to normal as if nothing had happened.

"It feels like I need to get stronger…" Liu Yang bowed once more before walking away.