
A little over twenty years ago…

Katharin's appearance was young and alive, she always had a sweet and beautiful smile on her face. She was just as beautiful as ever, but she didn't have that mature aura Liu Yang knew. At that time, she was more energetic and active.

Looking at her, it could see a bulge on her belly, but not too big. She was a few months pregnant.

Her husband, Reggie Jones, was a Hunter quite famous in the UK for being part of a guild called Sword x Saber. He was tall and handsome like a prince for women.

The couple lived a happy life in the mansion.

Until a certain incident happened.

One day, Reggie Jones received an emergency call to a portal that had suddenly appeared within a large city.

The portal appeared right inside the guild building, so the entire building was destroyed before the creatures came out for the kill.

In the great battle, Reggie Jones dies along with his companions.

Katharin watched it all on television.

The moment she saw the scene of her husband being killed, she had a big shock and fainted.

When she woke up, she found that she had had a miscarriage and the baby had died. She passed out once more from the shock.

For a few months, she tried to commit suicide, but she couldn't because it was her husband's last wish. He wanted her to live together with their son.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that he was also dead along with him.

Katharin had no motivation to live and only found something after a year of therapy.

Focused on her studies to become a scientist, she managed to reach a new goal. Help Hunters indirectly.

A few years later, she became a renowned scientist and helped create various items that helped the Hunters stay alive on the other side of the portals.

But a few months later, Liu Yang's story started.

Looking at the child's appearance, she felt that she should participate in the experiment.

It was not possible to know if it was out of pity or if her late son would be of a similar age to his.

So Katharin agreed to join the research team.

As Liu Yang wandered around Europe, something else was happening behind the scenes at the World Hunters Association.

This was the guild where all the most powerful Hunters, government officials, and guild members around the world gathered to discuss portals and random stuff.

Currently, the great conference room was in chaos with screams and threats from all sides.

"We demand that Liu Yang be arrested for the murders of the five zodiac knights!!!!!!!!" A member of the European association screamed with hatred and rage.

The death of the five Hunters was a severe blow to them. If it was only death, it wouldn't be that serious, but even the five armors were stolen.

Which was something unacceptable for them.

As they couldn't handle Liu Yang on their own, they wanted to summon the Hunters from all over the world to pursue him, even if it was the most dangerous thing to do.

However, no one would agree to do something like that.

Seeing another country losing power was the best thing that could be.

Europe lost almost half of the knights of the zodiac and also their armor. The other countries were hoping more would be killed.

Japan rethought about the Hunter Driver, there was no way to recover the item anymore because the current owner was too powerful. So they had to grit their teeth and let it go, even though it was almost impossible.

China was happy because Liu Yang was from his country, even though he has a lover and friends from other countries, but there was also anxiety and doubts about what he would do with the golden generals.

The twelve armors were also forged using meteor fragments.

If Liu Yang targets these armors, the two sides could get into a great conflict to death.

In the end, the world might get into a big war against Liu Yang.

This matter needs to be properly taken care of.

"We can't do this. This is a subject between the zodiac knights and Liu Yang. Both sides can solve these problems." Someone who was amused by Europe's losses was the first to comment.

Their opposition was obvious.

"We also agree with those words. This matter is something that both sides need to resolve."

"We are a worldwide agency. We have to ensure peace in the world. An irregular existence like Liu Yang shouldn't exist and needs to be eliminated."

"Liu Yang didn't break any rules of the Hunter Association. He just defended himself from other Hunters. If the others hadn't tried to kill him, they wouldn't have died."

"Liu Yang is a citizen of our country, so he will be judged according to our country's laws. Our verdict is that he is not to blame for anything"

Allied, neutral, and enemy countries exchange opposing comments.

But in the end, everyone had their positions on the matter.

"Have you all finished talking?" An aged voice echoed throughout the conference room. But great oppression covered them all and made them shut up.

On the stage in front was a thin old man with white hair, he looked so many years old that it was hard to count.

(John Hunter!!!! The head of the World Association!!!) Everyone screams the old man's name in their minds.

The old man was one of the most powerful Hunters in the world or the most powerful.

To be head of the World Hunter Association not only needed influence, but also a lot of power to subdue any other Hunter who causes trouble during meetings.

"In here is a meeting room, not a bar for you to discuss aloud. Everyone will have their turn to speak, but use the microphone and don't speak out loud. No one inside this room has any hearing problems." The old man spoke casually, but he seemed irritated because he was summoned to speak while he was doing something else.

"..." No one dared to complain because the old man was more powerful than anyone else in the room.

"Now, I will continue with this meeting. While you were discussing what to do with this young man named Liu Yang, he was doing other things. Look"

A video was projected in the air.

It was Liu Yang wandering through Europe at great speed, but his goal was to get the other armors of the zodiac knights.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The video was too shocking, especially for Europeans.

Liu Yang killed two more zodiac knights while the other willingly handed over the armor because he knew he had no chance of winning the fight. Without wanting to stop, he was heading toward the location of the other armors.

His objective is obvious.

Liu Yang wants all thirteen zodiac armors.