I Look Forward To It

Cherry and Scott exchanged a glance. They both wanted to go home more than anything but it seemed they were going to be stuck here longer.

The manager of the theater was incredibly apologetic and promised free VIP tickets for life to make up for it as long as they didn't sue. That was a great deal to her! They had a lot of great shows here, not just Phantom. She left feeling rather excited, practically skipping with giddiness.

Scott shook his head indulgently. "You got the better end of the deal here. What am I going to do with a free VIP ticket to a theater? Aside from tell Richie he doesn't need to send me tickets anymore, I guess."

"Who knows? Maybe this will make a musical buff out of you," Cherry suggested.

"Maybe. As long as I stay out of that haunted elevator."

She couldn't help but laugh at that. They both headed to the subway and he seemed surprised when she ended up taking the same trains as him all the way back to the station closest to the area where they lived.