You Met Someone?

Scott ended up calling Richie as soon as he had woken up and eaten something. His mentor was surprised to hear from him, to say the least.

"Look who actually called me first! Is someone dying or what?"

"Very funny, Richie," he deadpanned. "Actually, one of the tickets you got me ended up having the intended effect."

"Are you serious? You met someone? Tell me everything!" the old man demanded with glee.

"Yeah, I did. it was kind of crazy, actually. She's an interesting character and we were stuck together in an elevator at the theater for nearly ten hours. Now she's going to make me cookies."

"Whaaat? I need more detail than that!"

So Scott gave it to him. It was thanks to him that any of this craziness even happened, after all. He deserved to benefit from a little gossip. Who could he tell that Scott knew? He wasn't in contact with any of the old employees from the club anymore.