You Must Have Been Living Under A Rock

"So, what have you been up to the past couple of days aside from making cookies?" Scott asked.

Delia shrugged. "Not much. Catching up on lost sleep and hanging around my apartment mostly. What about you?"

"Catching up on lost sleep and working."


"Yep," he said, returning her sarcasm with sarcasm before changing the subject. "Anyway, it's good to know you like roses. Do you have a favorite flower, by chance?"

"Roses, actually. They do smell the best but jasmine and gardenias smell great too. Different types of roses have different scents though. I don't think I can pick a favorite among them," Delia said with a shrug.

"Do you have a favorite color of rose then?"

"Nah, they're all pretty."

"Do you have a favorite color period?"

Scott didn't mean to ask too many questions but he was curious about her. This was the first time he had wanted to know more about a woman in his entire life and it seemed he couldn't shut the curiosity off.