I Don't Want To Upset You

"If I ever do, you need to let me know," Scott said urgently. "I can't fix what I don't know about. I don't want to upset you, Delia."

His girlfriend let out a heavy sigh before reaching out to poke his cheek. "You could never upset me. Promise. You're way too nice for that. Relax, okay?"

She was the second person to tell him that he was too nice. He didn't feel like he was all that nice. He had hurt a lot of people in his day and had more regrets than he could count. He wouldn't call himself a good person but at least he wasn't recklessly hurting people anymore.

"If you're sure…" Scott said hesitantly.

He was incapable of knowingly doing anything that would upset the woman he loved but what if he did it accidentally? For how much she talked, he really didn't know much about her life before he met her.

Not that he had any right to judge. He preferred avoiding talking about his past whenever possible.