Bridget Blueberry Buzz

Cherry managed to distract herself from the problem at hand a bit because she had a doll auction to look forward to. Bridget Blueberry Buzz was going up for sale and she had NEVER seen that doll anywhere before. Not even in stores back in the day.

She was going to get that doll even if it killed her. Not that she thought it would. It had been years since she lost an auction. She was confident she would be able to get it.

dolly_dearest was up against her, which was no surprise, but they weren't the only major competition here. There was someone called bigbadwolf she had never seen at one of these things before who was involved in some seriously cutthroat bidding. She was actually getting nervous.

"No! I won't let you have her!" Cherry growled as she countered their latest bid.

After a while, even dolly_dearest gave up because bigbadwolf's offers were way too high. She didn't care how high they got. She was going to get this dang doll!