What? It's A Valid Question

Cherry appeared very moved by that. She threw her arms around Scott and kissed him. He could taste the remnants of her cupcake but didn't mind in the slightest.

She was laughing when she pulled away. "Okay. In that case, I would love to move in with you. You're going to have to help me pack though. I have A LOT of stuff. I can put most of my granny's things into storage.

"Since I'm not working, I probably should build up my savings anyway so I can rent the place out. I'm sure someone will want it. Rentals are always high in demand in this city. I'm just going to have to look into how to do this first. I'll figure it out."

"I'm sure it can't be too hard. I can help you look into it," Scott offered.

"Thanks, Scott."