How Could Things Possibly Get Any Better?

"They say when you know, you know," Richie said wisely.

Scott sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I don't think she's going anywhere any time soon. But please don't say anything about the grandchildren thing when you meet her and freak her out."

"Believe it or not, I do know how to be discreet."

"…I'll definitely have to see that to believe it."

"Fair enough. Don't waste too much time though. You aren't getting any younger!"

It was time to change the subject. "Has anything interesting been happening in Florida recently?"

If Richie was on to him, he didn't say anything and let him change the subject. What a relief! They talked a while longer before Scott had to hang up because he was getting close to his work. They had been talking as he walked from the nearest station to the club.