She Wanted That Too

Disney World was even more fun than the beach had been. They rode as much as they possibly could but also hit every show and parade they found because of how much Cherry loved things like that.

She insisted on buying matching mouse ears and t-shirts and Scott was powerless to resist. They got the same gray t-shirt with an old school Mickey Mouse on it.

Cherry took tons of pictures on their trip. She never wanted to forget a single minute of it. Even waiting in line wasn't so bad because she was able to talk to her boyfriend the whole time. It was nice seeing him so happy and relaxed. He had never taken a vacation before either.

It wasn't until they were nearly to Richie's place that his aura of relaxation went away. He was nervous.

She was nervous too but not for the same reason. She was afraid he wouldn't like her. Scott was afraid he would embarrass him. Which was a valid concern given everything he had said about the man.