My Favorite Piano Song

They kept talking about movie scores once the movie ended and Elle was completely calm afterwards. That movie had been seriously intense though. Maybe she should stick to thriller books instead of movies so she didn't stupidly end up scared and making a fool out of herself. 

They stayed up talking way too late because they both lost track of the time so Cherry was already asleep when she made it back to the room. She felt terrible about it but she had to wake her up to help get all of this off her face. She had no idea how to remove waterproof makeup or take off the wig cap. 

She wasn't terribly happy about being woken up based on her expression but didn't say anything about it or even question why she was out so late. But she obviously knew and the knowing look she shot Elle made her feel worse. 

The stylist crashed while she was in the shower. She deserved her rest.