Guess I'll See You Around

"You played it beautifully. Thank you," Elle said with a lump in her throat. 

Having not one but two people to talk to while she was here had been wonderful. She didn't want to go back to being alone. 

At least she had the promise of potentially hanging out with Cherry if they were ever both free at the same time. Though the odds of that happening were not high considering how busy they both were. 

Collin smiled at her. "Any time. We should probably get something to eat though. We've been in here for a while. What sounds good?"

"I'm fine with anything."

Elle wasn't particularly hungry but she knew she ought to eat something. She hadn't had anything since lunch. 

They ate dinner in the piano room and then walked around the top deck the way they always seemed to afterward. This was the last time she would ever be able to do that with him and the knowledge hung over her like a dark cloud.