I Have Someone To Find

"Have you ever seen White Christmas?" Cherry asked once they had finished opening their stockings and the couple had opened their presents to each other. 

Elle shook her head. 

"Ooh, you're in for a treat! It's this great old musical."

"Don't get her started on musicals," Scott advised, making her pout at him.

"You know you love my musical obsession."

"That doesn't mean everyone else will too."

"I don't mind," Elle said quickly. "I don't have much experience with musicals but if Cherry says it's a good movie, that's good enough for me."

"Brave words," Scott said with a shake of his head.

Brave words indeed. If Cherry wasn't singing along to every word of the songs, she was talking about the actors, the history of show business, or how people just didn't dance like that anymore. Scott had been right.