I Think You Have The Wrong Person

Collin had sort of been rambling but he needed to be sure his sentiment was expressed properly. He got down on one knee in the traditional proposal pose by the end but was not expecting how absolutely horrified she looked. 

"Get up," Charlotte hissed, her eyes darting around nervously.. "You can't let anyone see you like that!" 

What? This wasn't how this was supposed to go!

"Why not?"

"Because I can't marry you! If anyone sees—"

Panic and hurt flooded through Collin at the same time and he blurted, "Why can't you marry me? Do you dislike me that much?" 

"This has nothing to do with not liking you. I just can't, okay? I'm no good for you. You would be better off with someone more like you. I have to go. I'm really sorry, Collin. I shouldn't have come here tonight."