Is That A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing?

Collin didn't have Hunter change very much about the article. The second draft ended up being perfect so off it went into the void of the internet with him eagerly awaiting the result. 

He had already braced himself for the storm this would bring on both at work and at home, though the latter was more worrisome. It wasn't truly negative publicity about Dawson and Downes, Collin, or Elle but still…

The only negativity here was aimed toward Darlene and Elizabeth. Apparently, Hunter managed to dig up some real dirt on Elle's stepmother. She was a nasty piece of work and several of her former boyfriends had come forward since the article was published and said that sounded like exactly the sort of thing she would do. 

That didn't stop his father from having an opinion on it though. "I knew I wasn't remembering wrong! The one I saw before was the fake! I can't believe the nerve of some people."

"Yeah, me either," Collin said mildly.