It's The Least I Can Do

Collin couldn't believe that woman's audacity. He was about to interject on Elle's behalf but she shook her head at him. 

"I won't. You've already taken so much from me and I never did anything but I draw the line at my name. I'M Elizabeth Edwards and nothing you say will change that," she said in a hard voice before addressing the lawyer. 

"Mr. DeGraff, my stepmother has been parading her daughter around pretending to be me for years. I have proof that I'm the real one. My mother's name was Estelle Katherine Edwards, formerly Blackwell. My father's name was Todd Edwards. They were married on June 15th, 1993 in a chapel in Brooklyn. I have their marriage certificate, her death certificate, and my birth certificate with me to prove I am who I say I am. What do they have aside from manipulative words?"

Collin was incredibly proud of her for standing up to them like that. Her voice didn't shake at all even though her hands did.