Something Was Off

The conversation ended there because Becca couldn't come up with a response before Kate came back. She was being unusually tactful. Normally, she didn't care who she gossiped in front of. 

It was a relief when she and Darius were finally able to go home. She asked him if her dad gave him a hard time when she was gone and he shook his head. 

"I think I actually won him over. He's been a lot nicer to me since I defended you against your mom."

That made sense. Dan was worried about his only daughter being taken advantage of. Seeing that and how Darius treated her the rest of the long weekend would show that she wasn't. If anything, she was the one taking advantage of her boyfriend.

He didn't seem to mind though. He was happy to be with her even if she was living off of his money. He wanted to take care of her because he loved her. 

"That's good. I knew he would like you given the chance," Becca told him.