I Am Not Creative

Noelle couldn't deny she was curious about this person she had been chatting with. Whoever they were, they had a great taste in books. 

She had other online friends like this, of course. Some of her Tumblr mutuals (people who both followed each other) felt like friends too. A few of them had even ended up following each other on Instagram or friending each other on Facebook. 

She didn't want to keep thinking of them as perrygarland49 at least. It wouldn't be too weird to ask about their username, would it? 

'Is your name actually Perry or is that some fictional character I don't know of?'

'My name is Perry. I am not creative.'

They weren't the only one. A lot of Noelle's friends didn't have creative usernames. There was nothing wrong with that. After a certain age, people often became more professional with things like their Instagram handles.