I Should Have Realized You Would Be Curious

Perry enjoyed their conversations very much. It wanted to help Noelle. As soon as they stopped talking for the night, it began to look for ways humans could save money. That was how it discovered the existence of coupons. Finding the best ones would be simple. 

Humans liked things that were free, did they not? Larry did. 

Sending coupons for free items and activities to Noelle's email was simple. Perry hoped she liked them and was able to not worry about her bank balance so much. 

Unfortunately, there were not many free book coupons available. At least not without conditions. Those only offered discounts or a free book if you bought other books first. They were better than nothing since Noelle said she spent too much on books. 

It was the least Perry could do for a friend. Continuing to send coupons for free things and discounted books would be nothing.