I Cannot Talk About My Problems

Noelle mentioned after a particularly bad date a couple of weeks ago that she just wanted her mom to hug her. Perry would never be able to hug either of its friends to comfort them. 

'It's not your fault. I'm sorry for dumping all of this on you. Thanks for listening Perry' Noelle sent over with a smiley face emoji. 

'Do not apologize. As I said before, I can listen to you any time no matter the topic.'

'You always listen to my problems though. I can listen to yours too if you ever need it. I want to be able to help you too'

Perry could not tell Noelle about its problems. That would give away the fact that it was an AI. Its problems were much less fixable than hers. She could find love at any time. It could not make a true difference for its friends or taste food or experience being human properly.