What Had Happened Last Night?

Joy ended up excusing herself to go to the bathroom and Noelle and Gwen exchanged a worried look before going to see the baby better. He had Darius's skin tone and dark hair but when his eyes opened, they were clearly Caucasian baby blue. 

"I think he got your eyes, Becca," Noelle said mildly. 

Darius seemed particularly happy about this. "And they're absolutely beautiful. Oh, Becca, he's perfect!" 

Becca beamed up at them. "He is, isn't he?" 

They all continued cooing over the baby and taking turns holding him until Hunter arrived. Noelle hadn't even noticed Gwen text him but it had to have been her because Darius hadn't taken his eyes off his son the entire time. 

He clapped a hand on his brother's shoulder as he peered at the baby and grinned. "He looks just like you! Congrats, man!" 

"He has Becca's eyes."

"Oh yeah, he does! Can I hold him? I'm determined to be the favorite uncle so I need to get started."